Answered by Cyndi Perlman Fink
Cyndi Perlman Fink的回复:
How to buy strawberries ...
Smell them. If they smell like strawberries buy them, they will taste divine. If they look gorgeous but have no smell, they will have no taste.
Simple and foolproof. If people give you a strange look because you're smelling the strawberries, let them not smell and buy the tasteless ones.
Answered by Karen Opas
Karen Opas的回复:
How to tell if you are about to buy a juicy orange or grapefruit, no matter what the skin looks like:
- Pick up the orange or grapefruit. If it feels light, it's not juicy and will taste rather woody.
- Go through the bin picking the ones that feel heaviest compared to oranges or grapefruits of a similar size. They'll be the tastiest ones.
- 拿起选中的橙子或西柚。如果感觉很轻,那么果汁就不多,吃起来口感会很柴。
- 翻一下箱子里的其他橙子或西柚,选大小相似但重一些的,这样的才最好吃。
I was shown this trick by a very ancient and rather irritable gentleman when I was in my early 20's. He literally slapped the orange I was about to bag out of my hand and explained his system. Thanks to him, I've enjoyed decades of juicy oranges and grapefruits.
Answered by Julie Hume
Julie Hume的回复:
When your dog won't come back to you on a walk, don't chase after her yelling. She'll think that is the best game in the world and … good luck catching her.
Instead, shout happily, "Yeah, Bella, you can't catch me!" and run like hell in the other direction laughing like a crazy person. Your dog will think you are having a great time and gallop after you to join in.
And once you have her back again, don't scold her for running away. If you do she'll equate the telling off to her return, not to her bolt for freedom and she will be that much less likely to come to you on recall the next time. Always make coming to you the best thing ever.
Answered by Philip Liou
Philip Liou的回复:
If you ever feel there's something in your eye, like dust, just do this:
Look down, open your eyes wide, and keep blinking.
Additionally, if the particle is in the extremities, move your eyeball in the opposite direction of where you feel the pain. So if you feel pain at the top, do the above steps but roll your eyeball to the bottom and keep blinking.
Learned it from my teacher in first grade and works every time. Even when I'm wearing contacts.