教程:Quora精选  浏览:156  
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    Johny Depp always travels with his Capt. Jack Sparrow costume to make impromptu visits to sick kids in hospitals. Hohnny Depp also often goes to Disneyland and sometimes even dresses up as Captain Jack unannounced and takes over for signature time with the kids.


    "I was at a shoe store in Cleveland about 4 years ago. I think it was Finish Line. And I’m looking at the new Lebron shoes, (mind you that I’m only 18 at the time), and a huge shadow appears over me. And I turn around, and it was Lebron fucking James standing there. He smiled and said, ‘you want my new shoes?’ I stumbled over my words for a few seconds then said yes I think I’m going to buy a pair right now. He then asked me my size, went up to the front desk and bought me 2 pairs. 1 he signed, and he said the other was for me to practice my post moves in. One of the best days of my life."

    “大概四年前,我在克利夫兰的一家鞋店里,我记得应该是在Finish Line,当时我在看新款的勒布朗球鞋(那个时候我只有18岁),一个巨大的身影笼罩了我。我转过身,居然是勒布朗·詹姆斯本人!他笑着对我说:‘你想要我的新球鞋?’我磕巴了几秒,然后说是的,我想我现在就会买一双。他问了我鞋的尺码,然后走到前台给我买了两双。他在其中一双鞋上签了名,让我穿另一双练背身单打。那是我一生中最美妙的一天!”

    Before the release of the Harry Potter series’ forth book, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", JK Rowling wrote the book’s ending a year early for Natalie Mcdonald, a little girl diagnosed with leukemia. Natalie died before reading JK’s email, so JK named a character after her. That character was sorted into Gryffindor.


    Tupac Shakur received a letter from the parent’s of a terminally-ill boy named Joshua, saying it was Joshua’s last wish to meet Tupac. Tupac then flew out to Maryland to meet the boy. When Joshua passed away, Tupac changed the name of his publishing company to "Joshua’s Dream".


    Two trapped Australian miners asked for an iPod with music by the Foo Fighters to be sent down to them. Dave Grohl personally included a note saying " … I want you to know that when you come home, there’s two tickets to any Foos show, anywhere, and two cold beers waiting for yous. Deal?"

    两名澳大利亚矿难被困矿工想让救援人员给他们送一个iPod音乐播放器,里面存上喷火战机乐队(Foo Fighters)的歌曲。大卫·格鲁亲自加了一张便条:“……我想告诉你们,等你们获救回家,你们会收到两张喷火战机演唱会的门票,任何时间,任何地点,再加上两杯冰啤酒。成交?”

    Tom Hanks was cool enough to pose for a series of awesome impromptu photos with a fan in a pizza place. In the series, the fan pretends to be drunk, glasses askew, and slouched over - first on Hanks, and then face first into a pizza - while Hanks is pointing.


    "This was 2000. My brother had cancer and got the chance to meet him. He brought my brother all sorts of memorabilia and sat and chatted to him for a few hours, playing TV games with him, playing guitar, even reading Beano comics. All in the comfort of my own home. My brother passed away 3 weeks later and was in his M.M t-shirt when he passed."

    “这是在2000年的时候。我哥哥得了癌症,有个机会能和他(玛丽莲·曼森)见一面。他给我哥哥带了各种各样的纪念品,一起舒舒服服在我家坐着聊了几个小时,玩电视游戏、弹吉他,甚至一起看了《欢宴》(The Beano)。我哥哥三个星期之后就过世了,过世的时候还穿着他的玛丽莲·曼森T恤。”

    After witnessing a hit-and-run accident, Tom Cruise called the paramedics and stayed with the victim, following her to the emergency room and then paying the $ 7,000 bill when he learned she was uninsured.


    One of the kids in the group, a five year old boy, was dressed up as Harry Potter, complete with matted hair, glasses, wand, etc. We were walking on East 78th Street which is a popular Halloween spot for NYC kids since all the town houses and apartments on the blocks between Park and 3rd Avenue go all out decorating for the holiday and load them up with candy. Anyway amid the madness, the boy was walking along the street when a young woman came up to him and said, "Excuse me, are you Harry Potter?" After he mumbled out a yes, she said, "That’s great, because I’m Hermonie Granger and we’re best of friends" and she gave him a big hug. Of course the boy was too young to realize that it was indeed Emma Watson, who couldn't have been nicer.


      上一篇:Quora精选:为什么很多餐厅要先买单再就餐? 下一篇:Quora精选:为什么“依赖性”如此令人生厌?


