Answered by Shaurya Chopra
Shaurya Chopra的回复:
- Remove distractions.
- Sleep properly.
- Prioritise work.
- Deactivate facebook for 10 days.
- Keep at it, slow and steady wins the race.
- 排除干扰。
- 合理睡眠。
- 工作优先。
- 停刷脸谱10天。
- 继续加油,稳扎稳打才能赢得胜利。
Answered by James Liu
James Liu的回复:
I recommend the following:
- Exercise, as mentioned by others. Go running. It will release brain chemicals to help you focus.
- Sleep well. Perhaps change your mattress. You spend 1/3 of your entire life sleeping. It's important to be well rested.
- Eat well, make sure you have some eggs every once in a while. I don't know why, but eggs help me.
- 就像其他人所说的那样——运动。去跑步吧,它会使大脑释放有助于你提高注意力的物质。
- 规律睡眠。或许可以换张床垫。生命中有三分之一的时间都在睡觉,充分休息很重要。
- 健康饮食,你要确保时常吃蛋类食物。虽然我不能解释出个一二三,但它对我帮助确实很大。
Here's my philosophy for using a to-do lists:
- Any time during the day when there is an idea or have a new task, write it down. Then forget it.
- Any time during the day there is free time, look up the list and do one of them.
- During the task be focused, nothing should stop you from finishing this task.
- This next part is important. Cross it out and celebrate. Give yourself a pat on the back. You did it.
- Have more free time? Do something else on the list.
- Repeat.
这里分享我的to-do list使用方法:
- 随时随地记录你的新想法或新任务,然后忘记它。
- 利用任何片段时间来查阅清单,然后完成其中一项。
- 完成任务期间全身心投入,任何事情无法阻止你完成的脚步。
- 接下来这点很重要。划掉已完成事项然后庆祝一下。给自己32赞。你做的不错哦!
- 有更多的空闲时间?那就再做点儿清单上的其它任务吧。
- 其他任务处理方法同上。
Q: How can I improve my ability to concentrate?
Answered by Rob Farris
Rob Farris的回复:
There are many lists of concentration exercises available online, try a Google search.
I've been attempting the following:
1. Select a random page in a random book. Count all the words in a paragraph on that page. Recount. Now do the same for the entire page. If the numbers do not match during the recount, start over. Don't point at the page or count out loud - this should be performed mentally.
2. Count backwards in your head from 100 to 0. If you find your thoughts straying, start over.
1. 随意选一本书随意地翻开某一页。数这一页的某段有多少个字,再数一遍。然后数一数这一整页有多少个字,再数一遍。如果第二次的个数与第一次不同,那么请重新开始。
2. 在脑海中从100开始倒数到0。期间如果你发现你的思维已跑偏,果断重启。
Each of these I try to do for 10-15 minutes. It seems to be about the right amount of time.
For me, tasks like this are helpful in reminding myself what it means to concentrate, how it feels to be focused on a single task. I also appreciate that these can be done in any spare pockets of time I have during the day.
Q: How can I improve my focus?
Answered by Achintya Prakash
Achintya Prakash的回复:
- Cut down your goals into smaller, achievable, more immediate targets.
- Start fasting a bit.
- Force yourself a bit, but don't force yourself too much.
- Delay gratification.
- Give yourself some buffer time.
- Don't procrastinate the little, unpleasant things that take a minute.
- Exercise your mind everyday.
- Exercise your body everyday.
- 拆分目标,使其变成更小、更好实施、更为直接的目标。
- 尝试略微节食。
- 自我施压,但不要太多。
- 小目标完成,延迟满足感。
- 进行下一个小目标前给自己一个缓冲时间。
- 不要拖延令人不快的小事。
- 每天训练大脑。
- 每天锻炼身体。
Answered by Yishan Wong
Yishan Wong的回复:
The main idea is to build up a self-image of being someone with a lot of focus over a long period of time by using short-term hacks (like "close all other applications") over time until you have a track record of being someone with a lot of focus and you and everyone else believes you have a lot of focus. This eventually becomes self-reinforcing because then you begin to naturally do things that stay on track rather than allowing yourself to become distracted. Like Nietzsche said, "there are no actors, only actions."