What are some things that look easy but are difficult?有什么事看起来容易其实很难?
获得171.5k好评的回答@Bibidh Subedi:
There are some very easy looking and easy sounding Guinness World Records. But, they are extremely tough when you try them out. I have listed some of them here:有一些吉尼斯世界纪录看起来听起来很容易,但你自己尝试时会发现超级困难。下面列举其中几项:Most Saltline Crackers Eaten in one minute1分钟内吃掉最多撒盐饼干The record is : 10纪录:10块Why it is difficult : The dryness in the mouth due to the salty crackers makes it impossible to go beyond 5 without water.困难原因:撒盐饼干会使你口干,不喝水都超不过5块。Most M&Ms eaten in one minute blindfolded using chopsticks蒙上眼睛用筷子1分钟内吃掉最多的M&Ms巧克力The record is : 20纪录:20个Why it is difficult : I could hardly eat 1 M&M blindfolded using chopsticks.困难原因:蒙上眼睛我用筷子1个都吃不到。Most CDs balanced on one finger1根手指上平衡放最多的CDThe record is : 50纪录:50张Why it is difficult : Because, you aren’t allowed to poke your finger through the CD's hole. The CDs will just feel heavy and fall off when you try to balance more than 10 CDs.困难原因:不允许手指戳进CD中间的孔,平衡放超过10张CD就会太重掉下来。Most sticky notes on the face in one minute1分钟内脸上贴最多的便利贴The record is : 58纪录:58张Why it is difficult : Your face will run out of stick-able space after around 30 notes.困难原因:贴30张左右脸上就没有可贴的地方了。Most Marshmallows eaten in one minute1分钟内吃掉最多的棉花糖The record is : 25纪录:25块Why it is difficult: You need to have a standard-sized marsh mallow. After eating 10 marshmallows, it is difficult to proceed further without drinking water.困难原因:棉花糖需要是标准尺寸的,吃过10块之后如果不喝水就很难继续了。Most coins stacked into a tower in 30 seconds30秒内把最多的硬币堆成一个塔The record is : 69纪录:69枚Why it is difficult : The coin tower has to last for 10 seconds, but the tower will start losing balance after you cross 40 coins.困难原因:硬币塔要挺10秒钟,但堆40枚以后硬币塔就不稳了。