What Should I Absolutely not Do When Visiting the USA? 去美国玩时绝对不要做哪些事?
获得2.9k好评的回答@Elisabeth Arian
Don’t assume that the US is exactly the way it is portrayed on American films and series.请不要认为真实的美国跟美剧和电影里呈现的一样。Don’t underestimate the size or diversity of the United States. 不要低估美国的大小和多样性。Don’t settle for bad food.不要放弃寻找好吃的食物。Don’t count on speaking any language besides English.别指望能用英语以外的语言交流。Don’t stress out about clothes.不要被“穿什么衣服”这种事搞得紧张兮兮的。。Don’t discuss politics, religion, race or money with new acquaintances.不要和刚认识的人聊政治、宗教、种族或者钱。Don’t be afraid to share your culture with Americans. 不必害怕和美国人分享你们的文化。Don’t be disrespectful to the police.不要对警察不敬。Don’t invade people’s personal space. 不要冒犯他人的私人空间。Don’t insult US armed service members or veterans.不要去辱骂美国的武装人员或者老兵。Don’t look grumpy or sulky.不要摆出一副闷闷不乐、火气大的样子。。
获得603好评的回答@David Hamilton
Don't touch stranger’s kids.不要去碰陌生人的孩子Don't stare.不要盯着别人看。Don't forget to tip.不要忘记给小费。Don't go left.在街上不要靠左边走路。Don't expect us to justify the actions of our political leaders.不要期望我们会为我们的领导人的行为辩护。Don't be afraid to try to communicate with us.不要害怕和我们交谈。Don't assume we are all the same.不要认为我们都一样。
获得112好评的回答@Dhananjay Pai,
Don't ask questions that are considered too personal/private such as these:不要问那些特别隐私的问题,比如下面这些:• Are you married? If not, why aren't you married? When will you marry? etc你结婚了吗?如果没有,为什么还不结婚呢?你打算什么时候结婚?等等。• How many kids do you have? When are you planning to have kids? Worst: YOU SHOULD HAVE KIDS ASAP! 你有几个孩子?你打算什么时候要孩子?你应该尽早要孩子。、• How much money do you earn per month?你每个月工资多少?• How much did you pay for this/that?买这或那花了多少?