What Shouldn't One Do In Japan As A Foreigner?外国人去日本,有哪些事情不应该做?
Answer from Wendy Dinsmore, 9 years living and working in and around Tokyo:来自旅居东京9年的Wendy Dinsmore的回答:1. First and foremost: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO BRING ILLEGAL DRUGS INTO JAPAN. 首先的首先,绝对不要试图把违禁药品带入日本。Punishment can mean deportation or jail time, and they’re not kidding. Just don’t do it.你会因此受罚,可能被驱逐出境,也可能坐牢,而且他们是人真的。绝对不要做。This also applies to some cold remedies, so check before you bring any kind of medication.有些感冒药也在管制之列,所以,在你带任何药品入境之前都要做好功课。2. Don’t wear shoes in private homes and some offices. 在别人家中不要穿鞋,在一些办公室也不能。If you walk into a building and see a raised area and a lot of shoes near the entryway, that’s a signal for you to take your shoes off before you step up and into the building.当你走进一栋建筑后,如果看到某处的地面被抬高了,而且入口处摆满了鞋子,这就意味着你需要拖鞋才能进入这个区域。3. Don’t wear slippers in rooms with tatami floors. 在铺了榻榻米的地板上不要穿拖鞋。The bottoms of the slippers are hard on the straw.拖鞋的底部对榻榻米来说太硬了。4. Don’t stroll and eat in public.不要在公共场合边走边吃。Unless it’s a venue (like a festival) that offers a lot of roadside stands and you see others doing it.除非你是在过那种街边有很多小吃摊的节,而且旁边的人都在边走边吃。5. Don’t be loud and disruptive on the train. 在火车上不要大声喧哗,也不要干扰别人。Loud music over headphones, cell phone conversations, and loud conversations with your friends are considered bad manners.耳机里漏出大音量音乐、讲电话、和朋友大声谈话,都被认为是无礼的行为。6. When bathing at an onsen, public bath house or ryokan, don’t enter the communal tub without washing yourself with soap and water first. 在温泉、公共浴室和旅馆澡堂泡澡的时候,在进入公共浴缸之前一定要先用水和肥皂把自己洗干净。You’re sharing that tub with other people.因为你是在和别人共用那个浴缸。7. When handling cash, the cashier will hand you a little tray for you to put your money on, and will return your change the same way. 用现金付账的时候,收银员会用一个小托盘来装你的现金,找零钱的时候也会用同样的方法。Don’t hand the cashier your money directly.千万不要直接把现金递给收银员。8. Above all, just don’t be a jerk. 最重要的是,绝对不要当个混蛋。A respectful attitude and willingness to learn will take you a long way.尊重别人,虚心学习,这会让你走得长远。