What can I learn/know right now in 10 minutes that will be useful for the rest of my life?有什么是我可以在10分钟之内学会或了解并且对我之后的生活非常有用的?
获得4.6k好评的答案@Cyndi Perlman Fink
How to buy strawberries...怎么买草莓……Smell them. If they smell like strawberries buy them, they will taste divine. If they look gorgeous but have no smell, they will have no taste.闻闻看。如果闻着像草莓,那就买吧,这吃起来是极好的。如果看着挺不错可是闻起来没什么味道,那吃起来也不怎么样。Simple and foolproof. If people give you a strange look because you're smelling the strawberries, let them not smell and buy the tasteless ones.这种方法既简单又可靠。如果别人觉得你闻草莓的行为很奇怪,那就让他们不去闻,然后去买那些不怎么样的草莓吧。获得3.2k好评的答案@Akshat Jain
When a kid, table manners always confused me. Which hand to use for what while eating. Then, this simple hack helped.我小时候就老是弄不清楚餐桌礼仪,哪只手拿什么餐具?接下来,教你一招很简单的分辨方法。Left (4 letters) hand for 4 lettered things – fork左手(left,有4个字母)使用4个字母的餐具——叉子(fork)Right (5 letters) hand for 5 lettered things - spoon, knife, glass右手(right,有5个字母)使用5个字母的餐具——勺子(spoon)、刀(knife)、玻璃杯(glass)获得1.7k好评的答案@Arpit Pareek
How to Fall Asleep Faster: I hate it when I am lying in the bed, trying to sleep. It used to take me too much time to get to sleep. I searched internet for few tricks to fall asleep faster. The next time you are lying awake in bed Unable to sleep, you can trick yourself to sleep by trying these natural tips: 怎样更快入睡:我很讨厌躺在床上试图入睡的那种时候。在以前,“试图睡着”这个过程占据了我很多时间。我就去网上找了些能够更快入睡的窍门。下次躺在床上睡不着的时候,你就可以用这些比较自然的方法骗自己去睡觉。Try to stay awake: Challenge yourself to stay awake – your mind will rebel! It's called the sleep paradox.试着保持清醒:挑战自我,让自己保持清醒——这样你的大脑就会抗议!这就叫睡眠悖论。Keep your eyes wide open, repeat to yourself 'I will not sleep'. The brain doesn't process negatives well, so interprets this as an instruction to sleep and eye muscles tire quickly as sleep creeps up.一直睁着眼睛,不停地告诉自己“我不睡觉”。因为大脑无法很好地处理否定信息,所以这种指令也被解释为睡觉,而且眼肌也会疲劳,这样睡意很快就来了。Rewind your day: Remembering the mundane detail in reverse order clears your mind of worries. Recall conversations, sights and sounds as you go. It helps you to reach a mental state that's ready for sleep.重温你的一天:以倒序的方式回忆每一个琐碎的细节,这样可以清楚你内心的忧虑。你可以回想各种对话、风景还有各种声音。这可以帮你达成“准备睡觉”的精神状态。Roll your eyes: Close your eyes and roll the balls up 3-5 times can do the job. It simulates what you do naturally when you fall asleep and may help trigger the release of your sleepy hormone, melatonin.转动你的眼球:闭上眼睛,转动眼球3-5次就有效果了。这是在模拟你睡着时自然而然会做的动作,而且这也许有助于刺激睡眠激素和褪黑激素的释放。