获得29.5k好评的回答@Vivek Gautham:
1. Items labelled "For Two", targeting Couples especially who are on a date. Priced for single person with per person printed with smallest font at the bottom of the price. Of course everyone forgets to multiply it by two. 有些餐馆目标客户是夫妻或者是情侣,菜品就会标上2份。价钱是单人份的,而“单人价格”被用最小号的字体印在菜单最底部。当然每个人都会忘了把价格乘以2.2. Justification and Ordering matter a lot. When menu items are left aligned and prices are sorted right aligned, you tend to order cheaper. Smart restaurants do the exact opposite of that. Some thing like this菜单上的页面布局和顺序也大有讲究。当菜谱上菜名左对齐,价格右对齐时,你就更容易点便宜的菜。精明的餐馆就会反着来。如图所示(居中对齐):3.Good Use of Adjectives. Using all sorts of vivid adjectives in description of a profitable dish placed next to not so vivid adjectives in description of a less profitable dish.对形容词恰如其分的使用。对于利润高的菜品形容词娓娓生动,反之则不然。4.Putting some Menu Items in boxes or borders catches attention. Restaurants place their profitable items in there.将菜品名称加框或者加粗来吸引顾客注意,那种菜品是餐馆牟利最多的。
获得57.7k好评的回答@Mira Zaslove:
Most restaurants sell a mix of items, and not all dishes are created equally. Industry convention groups them into:很多餐馆销售综合类产品,不是所有菜品都能创造出相同的收益。行业内将它们如下分类:•Stars: popular items with high margins明星类:畅销品且高收益•Plow Horses: popular items with low margins 金牛类:畅销品收益不高•Dogs: unpopular items with low margins瘦狗类:滞销品收益不高•Puzzles: unpopular items with high margins问题类:滞销品却收益很高Examples of stars include pizzas, pastas, and omelets, which are popular, and relatively cheap to make, especially in bulk. Examples of plow horses include steaks, which are popular, but also relatively expensive for a restaurant to procure high quality product.明星类产品比如,披萨,意大利面和煎蛋卷,在大批量制作的时候尤其便宜。金牛类的产品,比如牛排,畅销但由于餐馆为保证菜品的高品质,成本就会上升。
获得827.5k好评的回答@Neil Eisenberg:
1. Restaurants utilize particularly imaginative language餐馆倾向于用令人印象深刻的措辞2. Restaurants use photographs to entice diners餐馆用菜单上的图片来吸引食客点菜3. Restaurants will limit your choices餐馆限制你的选择5. Restaurants design their menu餐馆用心设计菜单(让顾客多消费)6. Restaurants are very tricky with their number菜单的定价也是暗藏玄机(通常以9结尾)7. Daily restaurant specials所谓的“每日特餐”
the small one or the large one?>You can buy a small popcorn for $3>or a large one for $7 So which one will you choose? 小份还是大份的爆米花?小份3美元,大份7美元So now what will be your pick?你现在会选哪个?