Why Is Germany So Successful in Spite of Least Working Hours?德国人工作时间那么短,为什么还能这么成功?
获得161好评的回答@Raul Castro:
Let me mention a couple of factors:让我提几点因素:About people:关于人:There’s the official possibility to work in flexible schedule.他们很可能工作时间灵活。Germans work at their workplace. Nothing else. No (much) time to coffee-corner chat, or corridor-rumours.德国人在工作地点工作,别无其他。没有时间到咖啡角闲聊或者到走廊聊八卦。Germans love their privacy. Once out of the workplace, their life is theirs. 德国人注重隐私,一踏出办公区,他们的生活就只属于他们。No night or weekend calls.晚上和周末是不会有工作电话的。About organizations:关于组织:A schedule, once arranged, is a holy thing. 一份时刻表一旦被安排就是一件神圣的事。Because of the previous point, arranged schedules always make sense.由于上一点,安排的时刻表常能起作用。Working extra hours is not a proof of commitment, but a proof of inefficiency.加班并不能证明你负责反而证明你效率低。About quality:关于质量:Outstanding quality in their products (of any kind) is the main proud of any German.卓越的产品品质(任何一项产品)是每个德国人最大的骄傲。“Genau” (exact, exactly, precise, precisely) is one of the preferred words “精确”是他们最喜欢的词汇。
获得112好评的回答@Søren Pommer:
It’s in their culture to focus on quality and being effective他们的文化注重质量和高效。They have good schools and vocational training - for everyone. 他们拥有优质的学校以及职业培训,针对所有人。They involve their workers.他们让工人参与到企业决策当中来。They have a lot of machinery.他们拥有大量的机器设施。They get their rest and their holidays - yes, breaks and working hours will matter some.他们拥有休闲时间以及假期。是的,休息和工作时间一样重要。