Whenever someone takes a picture of me, I feel like I look hideous . Why is that?别人给我拍的照片里面,我总觉得自己很蠢。为什么?
得票最高的 @Geoffrey Brickley 的回答:
I am a landscape photographer, generally, but occasionally am called on to photograph the occasional human or two.总体来说,我是个风景摄影师,但我偶尔也会被叫去拍一两个人像。I pull out the big camera with the telephoto lens and wide scatter flash.我拿出了我的大相机,上面装着远焦镜头和巨大的散射闪光灯。“No, can’t you… like use the phone? That will bring out my flaws.” Actually the reverse is true.”不,你能不能……比如,用手机?这个东西会把我拍丑的。“实际上事实正好相反。We look distorted in the phone cameras, better in standard 35 or 50 mm and even better in 135mm, but the best images are in telephotos.我们在手机镜头里是失真的,而在35毫米或50毫米的标准镜头下则好很多,在135毫米镜头下则会更好,不过最好的照片还是要用远焦镜头来拍。Because the wide angles distort our face. 85mm is considered the goto standard for portrait, 135mm a good plus, anything above is a bonus.这是因为,广角镜头(手机的就是这种)会让我们的脸变形。而85毫米的镜头则是拍人像时的首选镜头,135毫米的则是锦上添花,更高的则更好。Anything below, like our cell phones, is not going to make us look our best, not going to look like us.而在这个标准以下的,比如我们的手机,是不会让我们看起来太好看的,甚至都不会让我们看起来像自己。But there could actually be more to it. Beyond the photography lesson. I see a different image in the mirror.而且实际上还不止如此。撇开摄影知识不谈,我们在镜子里看到的自己(和真是情况相比)是不同的。
来自 @Ivan Digon 的回答:
Because on picture, you lack of Motion.因为图片上的你是不动的。You seem much more attractive in front of your mirror than on a picture ; because mirror reflects the way you behave, the way you truly are.你在镜子里看起来比在照片上看起来要有魅力得多,因为镜子里的影像就是你平常动的样子,那才是真实的你。Whereas in a picture, everything is motionless, without this light of life.而照片里,所有东西都是静止的,缺少了这一生命之光。