Would you visit China or Japan if given the choice, and why?如果你可以选,你愿意去中国还是日本旅游?为什么?
Answer from @Kenzo Variant:
Both China and Japan are beautiful countries. But personally, if I can pick only one, I will pick China.中国和日本都是很美的国家。不过,就我个人而言,如果我能选,我会选中国。Japan is a very modern country, yet we can still see ancient temples, castles, shrines and go to Osaka for the food which are unforgetable.日本是个很现代的国家,同时也能看到很多古老的寺庙、城堡、神龛,还能去大阪吃到令人难忘的食物。On the other hand, China is much bigger geographically.但另一方面,中国从地理上来讲就大得多了。I do not think we can really explore and enjoy China in 30 days. And that is by excluding HK and Macau.我觉得我们在30天以内是没有办法把中国体验透彻的。而这还没有算上香港和澳门。Therefore, saying ‘visit China’ is a bit incorrect, just like saying ‘visit the US’ is not really correct.所以,“去中国旅游”是不确切的,就像“去美国旅游”也是不确切的。US is also so big that people should say ‘visit NY’, ‘visit Vegas’, ‘visit SF’, etc.美国也是个非常大的国家,所以应该说“去纽约旅游”、“去拉斯维加斯旅游”、“去旧金山旅游”等等等等。China is also super modern, yet we can also see the world famous ancient side of China.中国也是个非常现代的国家,但同时我们也能看到它举世闻名的古迹。The difference with Japan is that some of the sceneries in China can be really breathtaking. Some are literally breathtaking like the Great Wall, long walk, requires a lot of breath. :)它和日本的区别在于,中国的一些经典真的每到令人窒息。有些是货真价实的“令人窒息”,比如常常,你得走好久,走完就喘不过气来了。(微笑~)As for the food, once I meet a western chef who claimed in the world there are only two types of cuisine: French and Chinese.而说到食物,我曾经见到过以为西方的大厨,他说世界上只有两种菜系:法国菜和中国菜。Also, going to China is much cheaper compared to travelling in Japan.另外,去中国比去日本便宜多了。If you only have short vacation, Japan wins. But if you have more than one week, China wins.如果你的假期很短,那日本更好。但如果你有一周以上的时间,那中国更好。If you have only one week and want to go China, pick Beijing and the surroundings. One week should enough.如果你只有一周却想去中国,就去北京和它的周边吧。一周应该够了。If you want to sample life in a futuristic city, go to Shanghai.如果你想去一个有未来感的城市,那就去上海。
Answer from @Craig Arthur:
I’m actually going through this decision right at this moment for a holiday in October/November.实际上我现在正在做这样一个决定,因为我在十月、十一月的时候有个假期。And…. Despite never having been to China and loving the idea of going there….然后……虽然我从来没有去过中国,也很像去哪里……I’m leaning Japan.我还是选择日本。Why?为什么呢?The main reason is visas. With Japan I just have to go there. It’s no problem.主要的原因就是签证。去日本的话,我直接去就行了,什么问题也没有。With China I’ll have to apply for a visa advance, visit the Chinese embassy and…oh it’s such a faff . No thanks.而去中国的话,我就得先准备签证材料、去中国使馆,然后,额,总之太费事。还是别了吧。Too much of a pain just for a little visit. I’d need to have a month of holiday at least to make it seem worth the effort to me.想去玩一下要受的罪太多了。这个假期起码要一个月才能玩回本。