I am the type of person who worries a lot, and stays worried most of the time. What can I do?我是没有安全感的人,怎么办?
获得748好评的回答@Dave Crisp
You can’t just stop worrying. Worrying has been a huge positive in my life.你不可能停止担忧。担忧其实可以给生活中带来些积极的东西。There is lots of evidence that worriers are better prepared for life’s challenges and so tend to do better in the long run. I wouldn’t give it up at all.许多证据证明担心是为了更好地迎接生命中的挑战,而且长期来说是积极地。我是不会完全不担心的。But, it is possible to live better with worry. Mediation and mindfulness (tons of articles and books on how), even for just 10 minutes a day, makes a huge difference. There you learn to worry without fear for one thing.但是,和担忧和平相处也是可以的。冥想和专注(就像现在读书读报一样),哪怕只是一天坚持10分钟,也会有巨大的改变。这样让你慢慢不再害怕担忧某件事情。Estimates I’ve seen of personality types suggests there might be about 10% of the population that does what we do. That seven hundred million people on the planet presently. You’re in good company.也许根据个性类型来说,10%的人和我们一样。地球上有7亿人。其实有很多人在陪着你呢。
获得801好评的回答@Aditi Sunil Rao
Keep on telling this to yourself. I read this quote somewhere and kept it saved on my phone to remind myself - 'Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but, takes you nowhere.’一直对自己说。我读到了这计划,一直存在手机里提醒自己-“担忧是一个摇椅。它会对你产生影响,但是它永远都在原地。”Divert your mind转移注意力Detach yourself from the chain of thoughts that worry you. Go out. Do something. Keep yourself busy.把你的想法从那些让你担忧的事情分离出来。出去走走。做点事情。让你自己忙起来。Talk it out说出来This works for a lot of people. Talk to somebody who really understands you. If they are unavailable, get online. There are many anxiety forums where people are there to listen.这一招对很多人有用。和真正懂你的人说。如果他们没时间,就上网。网上有很多论坛里的人可以听你倾诉。Take a break from your schedule在你的时间表在外休息一下Get a holiday with your family, your friends or just tour a new city alone. You will return rejuvenated.和你的家人,朋友去度假,或者只是在一个新的城市自己旅行。回来的时候你会焕发全新的激情。Write a journal写日记I experienced that writing your worries gives better clarity, reduces the convolution in your head and decreases the frequency of worrisome thoughts.我经历过,写下忧虑让你更清楚自己的状态,减轻心理负担,减少心烦意乱的情况。Watch something motivating看点积极地东西A good Ted talk, inspiring movie, or video sometimes gives us the confidence and courage to do something, moving past our worries.一个好的TED演讲,鼓舞人心的电影或者视频,有时候会让我们做事的时候更加自信,更受鼓舞,来帮助我们走出忧虑。All in all, don't take life that seriously. Remember that you have only one life to live. It's almost no use wasting it over a lot of things we worry about. Breathe. It will get better.总之,不要把生活太当回事。记住你只能活一辈子。浪费时间去担心很多事情是几乎完全没用的。深呼吸。一切都会更好的。