What's a common mistake students make during university?大学生常犯什么错误?
获得111k好评的回答@Vichitra Zawar:
Me : Hello Dad! I’ve exam today.我:爸爸!我今天有考试。He : All the best son! I’m getting a strong feeling, You’ll rock it today. May god bless you.他:祝你考试顺利!我有很强烈的感觉你今天能发挥好。愿上帝保佑你。Me : Thankyou dad. Bye!我:谢谢爸爸,再见!And I hang up the call.然后我挂了电话。My friend standing beside me chuckles, “Do you do this before every exam?”朋友站在我身边笑:“你每次考试之前都这样做吗?”I reply , “Yes, I feel good and boosted, so as they feel good.”我说:“对呀,我感觉很好,精神振奋,他们也感觉很好。”It hardly takes a minute to call up your parents, but it gives a lot of confidence and makes their day too.给父母打电话用不了一分钟,却能给你很多信心,也能使他们很开心。Not calling up parents, is a common mistake students make.不给父母打电话就是学生常犯的错误。
获得19.6k好评的回答@Shelley James:
I think that the commonest mistake is treating it like school.我认为最常见的错误就是把大学当成学校。When I went to university, most of the people around me came straight from school (or maybe from taking a maximum of a year out). They had the mentality of children who were being forced to do something. They skipped classes, sat at the back talking during lectures, didn't do the reading! They were still in "school" mode, thinking that the point was to get through it with the least effort.我上大学时,身边大多数人都是直接从学校上来的(或者可能最多离开学校一年)。他们还有着孩子的心态,被强迫着做事。他们逃课,上课时坐在后面聊天,不阅读!他们仍然处于“校园”模式,以为上学的重点是用最少的努力完成学业。For my part, I was there after working in a beer pump factory for three years. I knew that I had gone to university because I wanted to learn. I wasn't there because my teachers at school made me go, or my parents made me go, or because my friends were all going. I had chosen to go. I think that this put me in a different frame of mind. I read all the set texts, I went to all the lectures and seminars. Don't get me wrong I had fun too, but I was there to learn and I learnt a lot. I enjoyed it. It was rewarding to learn about the authors , their works, the critic's opinions etc.对于我这个在啤酒泵厂工作三年后上大学的人来说,我知道上大学是因为我想学习,不是因为学校老师让我去,或父母让我去,或因为朋友都上大学。我自己选择上学,我认为是这一点使我拥有了不同的想法。我读所有规定的文本材料,我去上所有的课听所有讲座。不要误会,我过得也很开心,但我到那儿是去学习的,我学到了很多东西,很享受。了解作者和他们的作品以及批评家的观点等都使我有所收获。The kids around me thought that reading six novels for a module and going to a lecture for each novel was too much work. They would read one novel, go to the lecture for that one and write their essay on that one book. They thought that they were really clever to work out an easier way of doing it. But they were tricking themselves out of an education!我身边的孩子们以为为了一个模块读6本小说、为了一本小说要上一节的学业太繁重了。他们会读一本小说,听关于这本小说的课,然后写下这本书的随笔。他们以为自己真的很聪明,找到了完成作业更简便的方法,但他们其实是自欺欺人,耽误了学业!
获得63k好评的回答@ Mathew Teoh:
Focussing too hard on getting good grades.过度关注取得好成绩。"I won't switch majors yet... let's stick it out for another year".“我不会改专业…再忍耐一年”。Not pursuing out-of-class learning interests because of item #1.因为第一条所以没有课外学习的兴趣。Not doing side projects because of item #1.因为第一条所以没有别的计划。"I'm too busy because of school."“上学太忙了”。Not taking advantage of all the free stuff that universities have.没有利用大学一切免费资源。Defining success only in terms of accomplishments.只用成就定义成功。