Do guys pay attention to how girls dress?男孩会注意女孩的穿着吗?
获得67k好评的回答@Jake Steele:
We pay attention, but not the same way girls do.我们会注意,但和女孩注意的方式不一样。For example:例如:Guys: “Oh, wow. She looks nice.”男孩:“哇,她真好看。”Girls: “Look at the way that bag compliments the flannel and the high waisted jeans perfectly match the shirt. It’s SO cute.”女孩:“看她的包用的法兰绒多漂亮,高腰牛仔裤和那件衬衫搭配得太完美了,真是太漂亮了。”Basically, we can tell you that someone looks nice. We can’t tell you why they look nice. But if you look nice, we’ll notice.我们只会说某个人看起来很漂亮,但不会解释为什么漂亮,但如果你穿得好看,我们会注意到的。And if a girl asked me what I thought about the outfit they wore that one time in that one place with that one group I would probably be like huh?如果一个女孩问我在某个地方某个时间她们和某一群人在一起时穿的衣服怎么样,我只能说“呵呵”。Her girl friends on the other hand would be like “OMG YES that one was SO CUTE! You should totally wear it with this Amaranth* scarf!”然而她的女性朋友们可能会说:“哦天呐,对,那件衣服‘太漂亮’了!你应该再搭配这条‘紫红色’的围巾一起穿!”*Amaranth is a weird word for pink.‘紫红色’指很怪的粉色。
获得7好评的回答@Thomas Barnidge:
Old joke:一个老梗:Q: What kind of car do your drive?问题:你开什么样的车?Guy: A 2015 BMW 3-series, with a 3 litre turbo-charged engine, high compression cylinders, and a spoiler.男孩:“一台2015年的宝马3系,有3升涡轮增压发动机、高压缸和一个阻流板。”Gal: It’s red…女孩:“红色的”。Now imagine asking a girl “what are you wearing?” Compare to asking a guy “what are you wearing?” The guy will answer “jeans and a shirt.”现在想象一下问一个女孩“你穿的什么衣服?”再对比一下问男孩:“你穿的什么衣服?”男孩会说:“牛仔裤和衬衫。”
获得1.2k好评的回答@Rakshit Gulati:
Yes, we guys do pay attention to how girls dress.是的,我们男孩会注意女孩的穿着。But I pay attention to something other than her dress. And that is her attitude. The confidence with which she carries her dress and herself.但我关注的是她的穿着之外的东西。那就是她的态度,她的穿着和她自己所散发出的自信。Whenever I dress, I want to feel “sexy”. That is the key.无论我穿什么,我都很“性感”,这才是关键。And all it takes to dress properly (and washing your face) is around 10 minutes. You can get a pretty good idea of what the other person is feeling about how
he/she is dressed.穿好衣服(加上洗脸)一共花了10分钟,你可以想象别人对他/她的穿着会有什么感觉。So to all the girls out there, dress yourself the way you feel gorgeous, and comfortable. It doesn’t matter if you are fat or thin, fair complexioned or dark, what matters is your confidence. And smile too ;).所以对所有女孩来说,着装要让自己觉得得体舒服,这无关胖瘦、肤色白皙还是黝黑,重要的是你的自信,还有微笑;)。