What Is The biggest Mindfuck Ever?哪些知识最毁三观?
得票最多的回答 @Henry Johnson
1. The continents look entirely different than you think they do.大陆板块本来的样子跟你认为的完全不一样。The map you’re used to is more Western-focused and stretches out the size of continents near the poles. Africa and South America are actually way bigger.你习以为常的这种地图更多地是以西方为中心,它拉伸了两极附近大陆的大小。非洲和南美洲实际上要大得多。Here’s a more accurate representation of the world, according to the The Gall-Peters Projection map, created in 1885.这里有一个更精确的版本,是根据1885年创建的Gall-Peters投影地图:2. If you believe that you’re truly one in a million, there are still approximately 7,184 more people out there just like you.如果你真的相信自己是百万里挑一,那还有大约7,184多个人和你差不多。Because there are over 7 billion people.因为世界上有超过70亿人。3. There are castles and even lighthouses that are less expensive than NYC apartments.有些城堡,甚至灯塔,都比纽约的公寓便宜。4. The United States hasn’t even made it into the Top 50 list of longest-lasting empires.美国甚至还没进入“史上最长命帝国50强”名单。5. 10 percent of the entire world population is still illiterate.世界人口的10%仍然是文盲。6. You thoroughly enjoy celebrating some pretty dark holidays.你实际上在庆祝一些很黑暗的节日。For example Labor Day was created as a bandaid to coverup multiple massacres of American workers. 例如,劳动节是为了掩盖针对美国工人的几场大屠杀而创建的。7. A whole ecosystem lives in your belly button.你的肚脐眼中存在着一整个生态系统。Scientists found 2,368 different species of bacteria living in belly buttons after swabbing the navels of just 60 people.科学家在仅仅从60个人的肚脐眼中取样后就发现里面生存这2,368不同种类的细菌。8. You can’t see as many colors as a chicken. You’ll also never see all the beautiful colors of a rainbow.你能看见的颜色比鸡少。你也看不到彩虹里所有美丽的颜色。9. We haven’t figured out the secret to immortality, but this jellyfish has.我们还不知道如何不朽,但这种水母知道。The Turritopsis nutricula can live forever by reverting back to its early stage of life after becoming sexually mature.灯塔水母可以通过在性成熟之后回复到其早期阶段来永久存活。