教程:Quora精选  浏览:172  
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    获得32.4k好评的回答@Avi Estrin:

    My friend was barely keeping up in class. If she kept going this way she would fail the course. So she reached out for my help.我的朋友课程基本跟不上。如果继续下去就该不及格了,所以她来向我求助。She said, “I don’t understand the lectures; what should I do?” I replied, “I’ll help you; let's meet once a week and study together.” This gave her reassurance and it also gave me a chance to study at the same time. A win-win situation.她说:“我上课听不懂,该怎么办?”我回答说:“我会帮你,一周来找我一次,跟我一起学习。”这让她安心了,同时也给了我一次学习的机会,真是双赢。Once a week we met in the library for an interactive study session. She would teach me half of the lecture and I would teach her the other half.我们一周在图书馆见一次面,一起学习。她教我一半的课程,我教她另一半。You might be wondering, “Why did I ask her to teach me?” That’s because teaching other people is the most effective way to learn. If she could teach me the material, then it meant she understood it. If she got something wrong, I was there to correct her. And during the process I was also learning.你可能在想:“我为什么让她教我?”那是因为教别人是最有效的学习方法。如果她能教我,那就意味着她明白了。如果她说错了,我就会纠正。这个过程中我也在学习。She went on to pass the course and couldn't stop smiling for days.她考试通过了,好多天都笑得合不拢嘴。I challenge you to find someone whom you can teach.我希望你去找一个你能教的人。


    获得44.3k好评的回答@Rahul Sinha:

    Optimize your brain and routine with these 5 tips that can boost your concentration and retention power of what you study.下面这5条建议能帮你优化你的大脑和日程,提高注意力并保持学习的能力。1.Avoid procrastination1.不要拖延1)Keep your study materials organized. 2)Keep positive attitude. 3)Know “How to study”.1)整理好学习材料。2)保持积极的态度。3)知道“如何学习”。2.Make study a ritual2.使学习成为习惯By making study a ritual, it allows you to focus better, concentrate on the topics more efficiently and lead you to specialization as well (More output in less time).把学习当成习惯,能使你注意力更集中,学习更有效,也会使你更专业(事半功倍)。3.Apply study techniques3.运用学习技巧1)Make TODO lists.2) Review what you studied. 3)Prepare short notes. 4)Use mnemonics: Create associations and connections while studying something.1)列出要学习的内容2)复习已学知识3)准备小便条4)利用记忆术:学习时建立关联和联系。4.Block distractions4.拒绝分散注意力的东西You can’t sail in two boats at a time. Block all the distracting stuffs and activities which hinder study.你不能同时乘两艘船,拒绝所有干扰你学习的分散注意力的东西和活动。5.Develop healthy habits5.养成健康的习惯It doesn’t mean if you’ve to study, you’ll study at the cost of your physical and mental health. Here are 4 things which you should implement properly.学习并不意味着要以身心健康为代价。下面这四项你该合理掌控。1)Sleep. 2) Exercise. 3)Eat well. 4)Visualize what you want.1) 睡眠2)锻炼 3) 吃得好4)清楚自己想要什么


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