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    What do people in Africa think about China?非洲人如何看待中国?

    获得7.5k好评的回答@Idy Udoma-Udofa:

    Depends, for the black middle class and upper class, Nigerian对于中产阶级黑人和上层社会的尼日利亚人来说情况有所不同。Likes;喜欢的方面;We think they are fast, efficient, foreigners that mind their business, honest on a business to business perspective, we also like the fact that they don't deny us technology, as they have plans to build nuclear power stations in Kenya, Angola, Namibia and Sudan which no other country will sell nuclear tech to.我们认为他们工作速度快、效率高,是很在乎自己生意的外国人,做生意时讲诚信;我们也喜欢他们在技术上不遮遮掩掩,因为他们计划在肯尼亚、安哥拉、纳米比亚和苏丹建核电站,没有其他国家愿意把核技术卖给这些国家。We see them as an alternative to the imperialist west, the governments like the fact that china gives them low interest loans for infrastructure.相对于帝国主义的西方国家,我们愿意选择中国。政府喜欢中国给的用于基础设施建设的低息贷款。A lot of us travel to Europe for holiday and we notice how efficient Germans are when it comes to construction, but in Nigeria, German companies don't live up to that, a bridge that should be built in 8 months will take 3 years and then the Chinese come and finish it under a year.我们很多人去欧洲度假时都注意到德国人在建筑方面效率很高,但在尼日利亚,德国公司就做不到这一点。一架本应8个月建成的大桥要建3年,然后中国人来了,不到一年就建成了。And we are very thankful that you do not sell military hardware to our leaders.我们很感激你们没有把武器装备卖给我们的领导人。Dislikes; 不喜欢的方面;Anything that has to do with the sale or killing of the big 5 is a no no, it's cool to harvest the whole forest of trees but those animals are dear to our hearts, we don't like when a giraffe, elephant, zebra, rhino or lion has to leave the continent, if you want to see you come visit… 任何涉及贩卖或猎杀非洲五大动物的行为都是坚决不可以的。能砍掉一整片森林算你厉害,但那些动物却是我们的珍宝,我们不想让任何一只长颈鹿、大象、斑马、犀牛或狮子离开非洲,想看动物你来这儿看呀…In general we don't really like non English speakers, but we understand that English isn't your first language.通常我们真的不喜欢不说英语的人,但我们也能理解英语并非你们的母语。

    获得20.2k好评的回答@Male Williams:

    China is the main exporter of its products to Uganda where I come from. 70% of our products are imported from China. 中国是我的祖国乌干达的主要进口来源国,我们70%的产品都来自中国。China has the biggest construction companies in my country, they construct roads we pay later. 中国拥有我们国家最大的建筑公司,先建路后付款。China is very important for us Africans more than the west. If the Chinese knew English we would have benefited more.中国对我们非洲人来说比西方国家重要得多。如果中国人懂英语对我们就更有好处了。


    获得1.6k好评的回答@Henry Ngogo:

    Whenever I hear about China the following comes into my mind:每次听到“中国”,我都想到以下这些:1.high population人口众多2.technology wizards技术高手3.kung fu, I watched a lot of Chinese movies during my childhood.功夫。童年时我看过很多中国电影。4.mandarin普通话5.fake products, in my country (Tanzania) even if a fake product is not from China, it will be called Chinese product.假货。在我们国家(坦桑尼亚)即使有一个假货不是中国制造的也会被称为“中国货”。




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