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    What are some psychological tricks, useful in daily life?有哪些心理学知识很实用?


    获得24.1k好评的回答@Hien Lam:

    You can change your eating behavior by redesigning your environment.你可以通过改造环境来改变你的饮食习惯。Brian Wansink, author of Mindless Eating, describes how our environment influences how we eat:布莱恩文森克,《愚蠢的食物》以书的作者,描述了我们周围的环境是怎么影响我们吃东西的:“If you use a big spoon, you’ll eat more. If you serve yourself on a big plate, you’ll eat more. If you move the small bowl of chocolates on your desk six feet away you’ll eat half as much. If you eat chicken wings and remove the bones from the table, you’ll forget how much you ate and you’ll eat more.”“如果你用大勺子,你就吃得更多。如果你用大盘子吃饭,你就吃得更多。如果你把桌上的一小碗巧克力挪到离你6尺远的地方,你就会支持掉一半。如果你在吃鸡翅的时候把骨头从桌子上清理走了,你就会忘记已经吃了多少,从而吃得更多。”Well, you can use your environment to help you eat less without starving yourself.当然,你可以利用环境来让你少吃点却又不用挨饿。You do this by eating your food in smaller plates/ bowls.通过用更小的盘子或者碗来吃饭解决。When you use a large plate, you have to add a lot of food on it to make it look full. If your brain thinks you’re eating less, the more likely it’ll be to want a second serving. (Thanks survival mode).当你用大盘子的时候,你会点很多食物让它看起来很满。如果你的大脑提醒你,你吃得太少了,那很可能你要再点一份了。(这是生存规律)However, if you put that same amount of food on a small plate, your mind will tell you that you are eating a large portion and you’ll stop adding food. That visual cue will trick your brain into thinking it’s had enough to eat.然而,当你把等量的食物放在一个小盘子里的时候,你的大脑会告诉你你已经在吃很大一份了,这样你就不会再点了。这种视觉提示会骗过你的大脑,告诉你不能再吃了。This is known as the Delboeuf Illusion.这就是著名的德伯夫大小错觉。Delboeuf was a 19th-century Belgian philosopher, and he discovered if you surround two identical circles with different amounts of “white space,” people think they’re looking at two different circles.德波夫是一位19世纪比利时的物理学家,他发现如果两个有不同“留白区域”的完全相同的圆圈摆他们面前,人们会觉得他们在看两个不同的圆。The more “white space” around the circle, the smaller the circle appears.圆圈周围“留白部分”越大,这个圆圈看起来越小。Downsizing your plates will reduce the number of calories you are eating and allow you to feel satisfied at the same time.减小你的盘子的尺寸会减少你摄入的卡路里,而且会让你感到满足A study shows that eating from a 10-inch plate instead of a 12–inch one cuts your calories by a whooping 22%! That means this small change could result in an estimated 10 pounds in weight loss over the course of one year!调查显示用直径10英尺的盘子代替直径12英尺的盘子来吃饭的话,竟然可以减少22%的卡路里摄入。这就是说这个小小的改变可以让你在一年之中减重大约10英镑。Another study followed 200 homes in Syracuse over 4 months, and found that people randomly assigned to use smaller plates lost three pounds more than those given larger plates.另一个由在锡拉库扎的200个家庭经过4个多月完成的实验,得出的结论就是那些被安排使用小盘子家庭的人随随便便就比其他用大盘子家庭的人减重的3英镑。“It is easier to change your food environment than to change your mind.” – Brian Wansink“改变你的用餐环境比改变你的想法容易。”  -布莱恩文森克Hope you found this helpful!希望这对你有用!




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