教程:Quora精选  浏览:188  
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    What has been the most embarrassing moment of your life?你人生中最尴尬的事是什么?



    This happened 2 years ago.这件事发生在两年前。


    During 5th semester, our prof was teaching Operating Systems via slides. His laptop had no charge and he forgot to bring his charger. He asked one of us to volunteer and bring laptop from hostel. As I was sitting in the first row, I went to bring my laptop and returned from the hostel within 5 minutes. After connecting the laptop to the projector, the laptop was slowly booting up.在第五学期的时候,我们教授用幻灯片教《操作系统》这门课。他的笔记本电脑没电了,而他又忘记带充电器,所以他问我们有谁自愿从学生宿舍拿笔记本电脑过来。当时我坐在第一排,所以我回宿舍拿我的电脑,然后在5分钟之内回来了,在电脑连上投影仪之后,电脑慢慢启动。


    Suddenly this wallpaper was projected on the screen:突然间这张壁纸被投影到大屏幕上:



    Needless to say, we studied no Operating Systems on that day.毋庸置疑,我们那天没学习任何关于《操作系统》的事。

    获得4.2k@Saumya Sharma


    So a cousin of mine had gotten married and after 4-5 months they both went on a holiday and she started putting up pictures of herself and her hubby on Facebook. She had put on a lot of weight by this time.我的一个表姐结婚了,在4、5个月之后他们夫妻俩跑去度假,然后她开始把自己和她老公的照片放到Facebook上。在那时,她的体重增加了很多。


    So once she uploaded this picture of them holidaying where she wore a loose l-love-Singapore tee with an animated colourful Merlion on the stomach. There was nothing wrong with the picture, except that her husband was pointing at the Merlion and they were both extremely happy. Now, I being the stupid, quickly-jumping-to-conclusions idiot, commented on the picture that went like this-"Omg you guys! Congratulations! I can`t wait to be an Aunt. When`s the due date?" and forgot about it. The comment got so many likes within no time and everybody else also started posting similar congratulatory stuff on her and her husband`s wall.有一次她上传了一张他们度假的照片,照片上的她穿着一件宽松的写着“l-love-Singapore”(直译:我爱新加坡)的T恤衫。在肚子的那个位置印着一只色彩鲜艳、生动形象的鱼尾狮。这张图也没什么,但是她丈夫指着这只鱼尾狮,两个人还笑得非常开心。那个时候,我,一个草率下结论的傻瓜,非常愚蠢地在那张图下面发了像这样的评论——“我的天!你们俩!祝贺你们!我等不及要做阿姨了。预产期是什么时候?”然后就忘了这件事。这条评论不一会儿就获得了很多个赞,每个人还都开始在她和她丈夫的留言墙上写上类似的祝贺语。


    Her husband called me up the next day, from her phone and told me that I shouldn`t have posted that comment, she wouldn`t stop crying and that now she was inconsolable because she felt she had put on so much weight that everybody believed she was pregnant whereas SHE WAS NOT.  Moreover, everybody kept calling, texting them to congratulate them and that their holiday was almost ruined. She even refused to leave the hotel room because she was feeling so self-conscious now. That was the most embarrassing moment of my life.第二天她的丈夫就用她的电话打给我,告诉我不该写那条评论,她一直在哭,伤心欲绝,因为她觉得自己胖了那么多,以至于每个人都相信她怀孕了,然而她并没有。而且,所有人都给他们打电话、发短信祝贺他们,他们的假期几乎毁了。她甚至拒绝离开酒店房间因为她非常难为情。那几乎是我人生中最尴尬的时刻。


    Later, she(both of them actually) had to post a public message on their walls clarifying that she wasn`t expecting or anything contrary to popular belief. Up to this day I can`t look her in the eyes without feeling embarrassed.后来,她(事实上是他们俩)不得不发一封群消息在他们的留言墙上,澄清她并没有像大家都认为的那样怀孕了。直到今天我看着她的眼睛时都觉得非常尴尬。


      上一篇:职场Quora精选:工作经验对于跳槽的意义 下一篇:Quora:找工作,该考虑哪些重要因素


