What's your secret that could literally ruin your life if it came out?你有什么秘密如果泄露了就会完全毁掉你的生活?
At the outset, I would want to mention that I am a Stanford CS undergrad working for an extremely well-known tech company in NYC, earning around $100k. Here's a sneak peek into my dark side which absolutely no one knows about.首先我要提一下,我是斯坦福大学计算机专业本科生,在纽约一家知名的科技公司工作,薪水10万美元左右。在这里我揭秘了完全没有人知晓的我的阴暗面。I have a habit of shoplifting, so much so that I became really good at it. I know that I can easily afford to purchase the stuff that I steal, but shoplifting just gives me this "high" that is indescribable.. I stole B&W C5 from the Apple Store, and randomly steal stuff from other stores.我有入店行窃的习惯,偷得多了我就变得很擅长这个。我明知我完全买得起我偷的东西,但是入店行窃给我一种难以形容的快感。我在苹果专卖店偷过B&W C5耳机,也随机在其它商店偷过东西。I got caught for shoplifting 2 weeks ago, and had to pay the civil demand fee of $150, after which I've almost stopped shoplifting. The $150 penalty was probably 20% of the total worth of stuff that I've stolen over the months.两周前我因为入店行窃被逮捕了,还得支付150美元的民事诉讼费,在那之后我几乎要戒掉行窃习惯了。150美元的罚款占了我数月以来所盗之物的总额的20%。I have no friends at all, just a girlfriend.. Having no friends makes me quite lonely and unhappy in spite of people thinking that I'm "living the life". I really try making friends, but unfortunately I fuck up each and every time because of my big mouth, and generally people think that I'm not a fun person to hang out with, when in fact the truth is the opposite once I open up to people.我根本就没有朋友,只有一个女朋友,这让我很孤独、很难过,虽然大家只是觉得我“生来如此”。实际上,我一直在试着交朋友,但是很遗憾,我每一次都会因为我的口无遮拦而搞砸,而且大部分人都觉得跟我一起出去玩很没意思,可是实际上只要我和大家混熟之后就完全不会这样了。I have a huge inferiority complex and don't believe in myself. Heck I'm 22 and I'm making 100k at a top tech company but I still feel that I'm shit. Nobody really cares about me. I don't blame them though.. Nobody really knows me I guess.我有很强烈的自卑感,也无法信任自己。我今年22岁,在一家顶尖的科技公司工作,年薪10万,但我还是该死地觉得自己就是人渣。没有人真正在乎我,但是我却没法责怪他们……我猜根本就没有人了解我。获得52好评的答案
Two and a half years ago I was in dire financial straits, so I sold my home to keep my struggling business afloat. I neglected to tell the owners that they have an 800 sq. ft. bunker on the property that I built about seven years ago. The bunker that I've called home since I sold it. The entrance to it is well-hidden, but I still come and go very early/very late in the day.两年半前,我的经济状况非常糟糕,所以我卖了房子让我岌岌可危的公司不至于破产。我没有告诉买家这片地产上有800平方英尺的仓库,那是我大概在七年前建的。在我卖了房子之后,这个仓库就被我当做了家。尽管仓库的入口非常隐蔽,但我还是每天早出晚归。I'm a single man who keeps to himself. I'm now in a situation where I could move somewhere else, but I love this hidden paradise so much.我是个不与人交际的单身男人,尽管我现在的情况是可以搬到其他地方,但我还是很喜爱这个隐蔽的天堂。获得59好评的答案
That I am gay in a place where being gay, for all intents and purposes, is illegal.我是个同性恋,可是在我所处之地,不论从哪一点看,同性恋都是违法的。(来源:沪江)