英语过山车 Disc (七) Lesson 3 比较
教程:英语过山车  浏览:1101  
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      胖:fat 比较级:fatter

      瘦:thin 比较级:thinner

      大:big 比较级: bigger

      小:small 比较级: smaller

      矮:short 比较级: shorter


      小熊胖胖的 Bear is fat

      小猴瘦瘦的 Monkey is thin

      看看哪个胖一点 小熊胖一点, which is the fatter one Bear is the fatter one

      看看哪个瘦一点 小猴瘦一点 which is the thinner one Monkey is the thinner one

      小小的蚂蚁 Ant is small

      大大的大象 Elephant is big

      看看那个大一点 大象大一点 which is the bigger one Elephant is the bigger one

      看看那个小一点 蚂蚁小一点 which is the smaller one Ant is the bigger one

      长颈鹿高高的 Giraffe is tall

      母鸡矮矮的 Hen is short

      看看哪个高一点 长颈鹿高一点 which is the taller one Giraffe is the taller one

      看看哪个矮一点 母鸡矮一点 which is the shorter one Hen is the shorter one

      上一篇:英语过山车 Disc (七) Lesson 2 形容词 下一篇:英语过山车 Disc (七) Lesson 4 游戏问答转圈圈(1)

