Amazon. Com:创业初期
Bezos had paid close attention to the rapid rise of the World Wide Web, noting in 1994 that it was growing at an annual rate of 2, 300 percent, and there in looked for a pure entrepreneurial outlet. Hebegan his research by making a list of the top 20mail-order companies, observing that there were no book mail-order companies because a comprehensive catalog would have needed to be thousands of pages long and thus expensive to mail. Bezos decided that an Internet-based company would have the capability to offer a substantially wider selection of printed matter to consumers. Thus, he made a thorough study of the book business, beginning by attending the American Booksellers' Association's annual convention.
贝佐斯密切关注互联网的迅速崛起,他注意到 1994年网络年均增长高达2300%,他开始在这里寻找赚钱的途径。他的研究始于列出前20名邮购公司的名单,发现其中没有图书邮购公司,因为一个全面的目录可能长达几千页,因此邮寄费用昂贵。贝佐斯认为一个网络公司有能力向消费者提供具有更多选择性的印刷品。因此,他开始深入研究书籍业务,并参加了美国书商协会的年度会议。
When Bezos told Shaw, his former boss, that he was leaving to launch an online book business, Shaw advised him to take some time to reconsider his decision in a characteristically creative way. He told Time that he pictured himself at 80 years of age and was certain that he would not regret either missing out on a six-figure Christmas bonus nor having tried to build an online business and failing.
1. annual adj. 年度的;每年的
例句:They met at an annual convention in New York. 他们在纽约年会上会面。
2. entrepreneurial adj. 企业家的,创业者的;中间商的
例句:When you run into an idiot in the entrepreneurial world, you can turn around and head the other way. 当你在一个创业者的世界里遇到了一个蠢货,你可以调转个头朝另一个方向前进。
3. catalog n. [图情][计] 目录;登记
例句:Next, upload the files to the catalog. 接下来,将文件上传到目录。
4. substantially adv. 实质上;大体上;充分地
例句:But it also improved their school grades substantially, although this is not what they were paid for. 但是这同时大大提高了他们的学习成绩,尽管他们并不会因此得到奖励。
5. bonus n. 奖金;红利;额外津贴
例句:In addition to his salary, he has a bonus of 25 yuan per month. 除工资外, 他每月还有二十五元钱奖金。