约翰·昆西·亚当斯(John Quincy Adams)是美国第六任总统,也是第一位继其父亲之后成为总统的总统。亚当斯在许多方面,如:事业、性格,及观点上,都能够和他那杰出的父亲相匹敌。1767年,亚当斯于马萨诸塞州出生。他幼年时常和父亲一起到海外,从而逐渐精通法语和荷兰语。亚当斯曾就读哈佛大学。他毕业后担任律师职位。
His political career began at the age of 26 when he was appointed Minister to the Netherlands.In 1802 he was elected to the United States Senate. Six years later President Madisonappointed him Minister to Russia. As secretary to his father in Europe, he became an accomplished diarist. The fifty volumes he wrote documenting nineteenth-century Americanpolitics are often used by historians today.
In the political tradition of the early 19th century, Adams, as Secretary of State, was considered the heir to the Presidency. However, the old ways of choosing a President were giving way to electing someone popular. Nevertheless, Adams narrowly beat Andrew Jackson to become America's sixth President in 1825. Many of his proposals to modernize America were rejected in Congress by his enemies.
按照19世纪美国早期的政治惯例,身为美国国务卿的亚当斯自然而然被认为是美国总统的继承人。然而选举结果并非按照传统的总统选举方式,而是选出了另一位有名人物,即安德鲁·杰克逊(Andrew Jackson)。即便如此,亚当斯还是以微弱优势击败安德鲁·杰克逊,成为1825年美国第六任总统。美国国会反对人士对他的许多关于促进美国现代化的提议表示拒绝。
After leaving office as President in 1829, Adams was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives – the only president ever to do this. He continued to shape America's foreign policy. Historians say he is one of America's greatest ever diplomats. He also devoted himself to attacking the power slave owners had in Congress. On February 21, 1848 Adams collapsed in the House and died two days later.