Following graduation, Bush began a career in the energy business. After working on his father’ssuccessful 1988 Presidential campaign, President Bush assembled a group of partners thatpurchased the Texas Rangers baseball franchise in 1989. He entered politics and was the 46thGovernor of Texas, serving from 1995 to2000 - the first Governor in Texas history to be electedto consecutive 4-year terms.
Bush won the Presidency in 2000. He worked to extend freedom, opportunity, and securityat home and abroad.His first initiative as President was the No Child Left Behind Act, abipartisan measure that attempted to raise standards in schools. He also cut taxes for everytaxpayer and implemented free trade agreements with more than a dozen nations.
The most significant event of Bush’s tenure came on September 11, 2001, when terrorists killednearly 3,000 people in the 9/11 attacks. He declared a War on Terror and invaded Afghanistanto end the Taliban regime and find Osama bin Laden. He later invaded Iraq over weapons ofmass destruction that did not exist. Bush returned to his Texas ranch after leaving office andis now a public speaker.