My mother was dreaming that I would be a great person. She became pregnant with her seventh child when I was eleven years old. As her stomach swelled, she felt weakness and pain, but she said, "No problem, Hawa. Everything will be okay. Whether it comes to us through violence, disease or even childbirth, that is not the end of our story. You have to get up and help someone who needs you." I became a doctor because I wanted to save others from feeling the pain after my mother died.
The Somalia I grew up in was so much different than today. Mogadishu was the best place in all Africa. In the rural area, children had fresh milk, fresh meat, fresh air. Life was very beautiful, very simple and very peaceful.
It started to go bad in 1988. When the government collapsed, more and more people came to us to escape the fighting. The Somali people have tradition of hospitality. When a traveler comes to you, you have to give him the best of what you have. It seems only natural that the problems we could solve, like giving someone a place to stay and the feeling of safety should be solved.
When space became full, families began to sleep under the trees. After more than twenty years, it became ninety thousand people. These people have become my family. Here we are all Somali. If you won't identity with your ground, you cannot stay.
In time, my children become doctors, and now, we work together. Each crisis we face gives way to the next as a new group takes control of our area. Sometimes these children, with their guns, they told me, "You are an old woman. You cannot be in charge." I said, "And you are a strong young man, what have you done for these people?"
Whether for fighting or the famine, we have lost as many as fifty people per day. But we get up. We go on. And we help someone who needs us.
Today our one-room clinic is a four hundred beds' hospital. I live for the hope that peace will come; that my children and my grandchildren will someday know the Somalia I loved. Until that time, they can build on what I have started.
I'm Dr. Hawa Abdi. This is my Vital Voice. Now, raise yours.
我是Hawa Abdi医生。这是我的Vital Voice。现在,发起你的(言论)吧。