“The letters ‘CD’denote ‘Church of Dentistry’,” the man with a mask said, pointing to the door. “It is a fact a denomination of the New Wave Church. Have you studied demography? A demographic analysis indicates that most of our members are dental assistants.”
“字母‘CD’表示‘Church of Dentistry’,即牙科教会,”戴口罩的男人指着门说,“事实上它是‘新浪潮教会’的一个宗派组织。你研究过人口学吗?一份人口统计分析表明我们的大多数成员都是牙科助手。”
“The church bishop wants to demolish all of the candy stores in the neighborhood,” he continued. “But many of the church elders have objected to the proposal. Let us enter and listen.”
“I demur to the demolition idea,” said one elder. “It will cause outsiders to denigrate our church.”
“I must also denounce your plan,” said the senior minister. “The candy stores are located in a dense neighborhood. You can’t deny that the density of the area would make a demolition too risky.”
“I think your denunciation of my plan demonstrates your ignorance of the problem,” said the church bishop. “Candy is the root of all evil. I should demote you from senior minister to elder. Do you think I’m running this church like a democracy? I make the decisions here.”
Just then, a demure female entered the room. “Daddy, what are you doing?” she said to the church bishop. She proceeded to denude the statue, fronting the church bishop’s podium. It was a sculpture of a dentist. Using a hammer, she put a big dent in it. It caused the statue to crack. “You’re the worst hypocrite in the world,” she said, shaking her head back and forth.
My jaw dropped as I saw the pieces of candy flowing from the crack. “What’s going on?” I asked the man with the mask.
“I don’t know,” he replied. “But like the denouement of a complex plot, the final resolution of this scandal will take time to discover.”
democracy n. 民主,民主国家(政府)
demography n. 人口统计,人口学
demolish vt. 破坏,摧毁
demolition n. 破坏,拆除
demonstrate vt. 演示;论证
demote v. 降级,降职
demur v. 抗议,反对
demure adj. 娴静的,端庄的
denigrate v. 诋毁,贬低,污蔑
denomination n. 宗教组织,(货币的)面额
denote vt. 指示,表示
denouement n. (小说的)结尾,结局
denounce vt. (公开)谴责,斥责
dense adj. 密集的,厚重的
density n. 密度
dent n. 缺口,凹陷
dental adj. 牙齿的
dentistry n. 牙科
denude v. 使裸露,剥下
denunciation n. 谴责,告发
deny vt. 否认,否定;剥夺,拒绝……的要求