“I can’t really detect the elation in your facial expression,” Bob said. He sneered as he cut his streak with the edge if his knife. He wondered whether the tough meat was actually edible. It seemed to have more elasticity than taste.
“I’m in ecstasy.” Tom said, “The news media is calling the stadium I built a modern edifice. They say that it is energy efficient and that it meets the city’s tough new effluent wastewater standard. The mayor awarded me a plaque for being the most effective builder of the year. He is still shocked by the fact that only nine months have elapsed since we started this project, and now it is finished. Hoe many builders in this city can effectuate such progress in that short period of time? The answer is none.”
“There’s no need to elaborate,” Bob said. “I’m well aware that your project was the model of efficiency. I just wish you wouldn’t act like such an egoist all the time.”
“I think you mean egotist,” Tom said. “If you study my project, it might edify your mind. That assumes that you’re still educable.”
“Please stop before I eject my lunch on you,” Bob said. “You make me want to efface your name from that shiny award plaque.”
“Why are you showing such effrontery?” Tom asked. “You’re my best friend.”
“Yes, I am,” relied Bob. “That’s why I’m going to advise you not to effuse so much pride. It’s just as irritating as this rubbery steak.”
ecstasy n. 狂喜
edge n. 边缘
edible adj. 可食用的
edifice n. 宏伟的建筑物,大厦
edify v. 开导,启发
educable adj. 可教育的,可培养的
efface v. 擦掉,抹去
effective adj. 有效的,有力的
effectuate vt. 实行,完成
efficiency n. 效率,功效
efficient adj. 生效的,能干的,有效率的
effluent adj. 流出的
effrontery n. 厚颜无耻,放肆(的行为)
effuse vt. 流出,散布
egoist n. 自我主义者
eject vt. 喷出,喷射
elaborate adj. 精细的,精心的;详尽的;vt. 详细阐述
elapse vt. (光阴)流逝
elasticity n. 弹力,弹性
elation n. 得意洋洋,兴高采烈