Celia was a bright student except when it came to physics. She was better at drawing graphs. She was skilled at graphics because she was majoring in graphic design. Her classmates named her “grasshopper” because she loved to wear green. She hated greasy good. The grease made her feel ill. She loved to play tennis. She even owned a racquet made out of graphite.
Celia’s best friend was julia. Julia was born on grazing land in the north. When she wasn’t watching the cows graze, she was reading physics books. Since physicas was julia’s favorite subject, she enjoyed providing gratuitous assistance to celia.
“I’d be grateful if you would explain gravity to me again.” Said celia.
“no problem,” julie replied. “ gravitation is the force of attraction between any two objects. It is sometimes referred to as gravitational force. An enormous object, like the earth, generates a gravitational field, this field causes a downward pull on all objects near its surface. This downward gravitational pull is called ‘gravity’. the force of gravity on an object is commonly referred to as its ‘weight’. Planetary motion is also a result of gravitation. It’s the gravitational attraction between the sun and the planets that sustains the planets in elliptical orbits around the sun.”
“没问题,”朱丽亚答道。“引力是任何两个物体之间相互吸引的力量。它有时候称作地心引力。一个巨大的物体,如地球,产生重力场。这个场对所有它表面附近的物体都产生一个向下的力。这个向下的地心引力叫做‘重力’。 一个物体的重力通常被称为‘重量’。行星的运动也是引力的结果。那是太阳和行星之间的万有引力。维持着众行星围绕在太阳周围的椭圆轨道上。”
“thanks,” said celia, “I fell much better.” With a quick smila, celia handed a small box to julia. “I am giving you this small present to show you my gratitude,” celia said.
“there’s no need,” julia said. “it gratifies me just to help you.”
Celia put it into julia’s hands. “here. Grasp it.” Celia said, “it’s just something small so that you’ll never forget me.”
Julis opened the gift . it was a ceramic grasshopper holding a globe. She smiled and said, “thanks, grasshopper, it’s perfect!”
Graph n.图表
Graphic adj.绘画似的, 图解的,生动的
Graphics n.制图法, 制图学
Graphite n.石墨
Grasp vt.抓住, 抓紧 n.掌握,领会
Grasshopper n.蚱蜢, 蚂蚱
Grateful adj. 感激的,感谢的
Gratify v.使高兴,使满足
Gratitude n.感谢,感激
Gratuitous adj. 1、免费的 2、不需要的
Gravitation n.引力,重力
Gravitational adj.地心吸力的,重力的
Gravitational field 重力场
Gravitationalforce 地心引力
Gravitational pull 地心引力
Gravity n.地心引力
Graze vi.(牲畜)吃草,放牧
Grazingland 特场 ,草场
Grease n.油脂
Greasy adj.多脂的,油脂的