After little more than an informal examination, the doctor concluded that Mr.Malcolm Smith’s organism was infested with a particularly virulent strain of the influenza virus. “The virus has infiltrated every part of your system, I’m afraid, and its pernicious influx has inflicted a great deal of damage,” he said. “Your present state of inertia is inherent in this type of condition, and you’re in a very serious state.”
“Please don’t let me die now, doctor,”Malcolm Smith whispered, barely audibly. “I am an influential person and still have a great deal of important work to do. I shall see to it that you will inherit a substantial sum under my will, if you save me.”
“医生,请不要让我现在就死,” 马尔科姆.史密斯低声说,几乎听不到他的声音。“我是个有影响的人,还有很多重要的工作要做。如果你救了我,我保证根据我的遗嘱你将继承很大一笔钱。”
“I shall do everything in my power, I promise!”replied the good doctor. “I don’t wish to unduly inflate your hopes, but I have developed a quite ingenious concoction with a goodly number of secret ingredients, which may well infuse some vitality into your system. Alas, in these times of runaway inflation, being a beneficiary under your will is one thing, but what my bank account would really need is an infusion of cash now. If I am correctly informed, you used to inhabit that grand estate by the lake before you became ill, and recently sold your shareholding in International Consolidated Inc. and are not exactly short of ready cash. So how about your writing me a cheque for 20,000 dollars to begin with?”
“You are infringing on my rights as a patient,” Malcolm Smith objected feebly.
“Ah, we must not be so inflexible, must we now?” responded the doctor. “You see, as long as you are an inhabitant of this hospital, I am in charge of your destiny, do you understand?”
infest vt. 骚扰,大批滋生
infiltrate vt. 使透过,渗透
inflation n. 通货膨胀
inflate vt. 使膨胀,使充气
inflexible adj. 坚定的,顽固的
inflict v. 造成,使遭受(痛苦、损伤等)
influential adj. 有影响的,有权势的
influenza n. 流行性感冒
influx n. 流入,汇集
informal adj. 不拘礼节的,随便的,非正式的
informed adj. 受过教育的,见多识广的,了解情况的
infringe vt. 侵犯,违反
infuse vt. 注入,灌输
infusion n. 注入
ingenious adj. 有发明天才的,灵巧的,设计独特而精巧的
ingredient n. 配料,成分
inhabit vt. 居住于,栖息于
inhabitant n. 居民,住户
inherit vt. 继承