Jack gave a sigh of regret, “Ah, to be sitting in a lodge up in the mountains, the luminous stars above, the law of the lumberjacks used to be full of tails of hard chip and adventure, but they were a healthy lord and managed to live to a ripe old age.”
Jack was contemplating the recent low in the North American lumber industry that has made the work of the typical lumberjack rather less lucrative than it used to be. Much of the logging industry has moved to a degree of longitude far to the East, such as Indonesia or Malaysia. This shift has been determined by nothing other than commercial logic. Moreover, recent climatic changes leading to event such as rampid forest fires in the western states, or perma frost melting in Alaska have had disasters of facts on many of the traditional American logging areas.
Lodging in his log cabin, Jack thinks that cutting logs in North America nowadays is a bit like playing a lottery. Disaster is looming, he reckons. Many in old hand in the industry feels like cord in a loop, with the traditional bond between the logging companies and the lumberjacks quite loose these days. He went on as he loop the wire over the gate of his cabin to keep it shut.
While it’s only logical at the time when there is little money to be made in the American logging industry. That lumberjacks are loosening their ties with the land and leaving the luminosity of the stars behind to find lodging among the bright lights of the city. Sadly as the former loggers’ financial fortunes improve, their traditional longevity is becoming a thing of the past. The stress in pollution of the city life are taking their toll.
lodge n. (山林)小屋 vi. 寄存,临时住宿
lodging n. 寄宿,住房(常指出租的房间)
log n. 圆木
log cabin 小木屋
logic n. 逻辑,逻辑学
logical adj. 合乎逻辑的,合理的
longevity n. 长寿
logitude n. 经度,经线
loom vi. 隐约闪现,逼近
loop vt. 把…圈成环,缠绕
loose adj. 宽松的,不牢固的,组织不严密的
loosen vt. 解开,放松
lore n. 传说,学问,知识
lottery n. 彩票,抽彩给奖法
lucrative adj. 赚钱的,有利可图的
lull vt. 使平静,使安静 n. 间歇,稍息
lumber n. 木材和,木料(粗的)
luminosity n. (物)亮度,发光度,光学
luminouse adj. 发光的,明亮的