胡敏读故事记托福词汇 第174期:拥有研究生身份的制陶传教士 The postgraduate potter preacher
174 The postgraduate potter preacher
174 拥有研究生身份的制陶传教士
There was a postgraduate student in postwar England who had had to postpone his studies because of the war.
To avoid living in poverty, he made a meager living as a potter and by the precarious profession of preaching to the farmers on the English prairie.
He was inhibited from finding a decent job because of a postoperative condition stemming from an operation to repair a wound he received in the war.
One day, realizing the potentiality of selling pottery to the English farmers, he loaded up his beat-up, old truck with as much pottery as practicable.
He took the precaution of tying it down to avoid any potential accidents.
He drove outside the city to the prairie lands and stopped on the property of a farmer he knew.
He unloaded his wares from the back of the truck, stood on the back, and as he began to preach, a crowd gathered.
Posterity may not remember what we will have said here today, he began to speak of the war.
There have been many who have preceded me in this matter, but never a precedent set.
He postulated the need to remember the war heroes and gave posthumous praises to one of his comrades that had fallen in battle.
He then spoke of the practicality of being generous and giving to war veterans.
The crowd was so moved by his potent sermon that they gave him one British Pound for every pot that he had.
Later, he mused that it was indeed a practical way to make ends meet.
pottery['pɔtəri]n. 陶器
avoid[ə'vɔid]vt. 避免,逃避
decent['di:snt]adj. 体面的,正派的,得体的,相当好的
poverty['pɔvəti]n. 贫困,贫乏
generous['dʒenərəs]adj. 慷慨的,宽宏大量的,丰盛的,味浓的
practicality[.prækti'kæliti]n. 实际,实用,实用性,实际的事情
meager['mi:gə]adj. 贫乏的,不足的,瘦的
inhibited[in'hibitid]adj. 羞怯的,内向的 动词inhibit的过去式和过
potential[pə'tenʃəl]adj. 可能的,潜在的
n. 潜力,潜能 sermon['sə:mən]
n. 布道,说教