胡敏读故事记托福词汇 第186期:丽贝卡·朗黛 Rebecca Rowndie
186.Rebecca Rowndie
Rebecca Rowndie was grossly overweight. Her friends were reluctant to take her out to dinner with them because she would not only finish her meal, but also vacuum up everyone else's, too. When she got so big that she had to buy a new wardrobe for the third time, she finally decided to register at an eating rehabilitation center. She rehearsed her lines and headed off.
The reigning nutritionist at the center was Nurse Rechette (as in retch it'). Nurse Rechette during her reign had helped many an obese woman lose weight. She put Rebecca on a strict regimen of beans. This regimentation was designed to regulate her eating, rehabilitate her eating habits, and rejuvenate her youth. One of the regulations of the center was that if the client didn't reach her goal, she would be reimbursed in full. So Nurse Rechette was relentless in her efforts to help Rebecca lose weight. She never relaxed in trying to get her to drop a few pounds for fear that relaxation would result in a relapse of bad eating habits and rekindle the desire to overeat a relaxed dieter could never lose weight. Nurse Rechette, therefore, relegated the duty of administering beans to the clients, reinforced good proper eating, and reiterated that the rejection of eating fatty foods was essential to success. In addition, to reject food that one loved was essential in building character.
On occasion, as a part of the exercise regimen, Nurse Rechette would organize a relay race among the clients. As you know, a side effect of eating beans is gas. As the clients were running the relay race, there were squeaky little releases going on all around the track. Nurse Rechette attributed these releases to the healthy eating.
Upon Rebecca's departure from the center, she had lost 200 lbs., nearly twice her new body weight. She thanked Nurse Rechette and went home a new woman.
organize['ɔ:gənaiz]v. 组织
relapse[ri'læps]n. 复旧,故态复萌,再发 v. 故态复萌,再陷邪道,再
regulate['regju.leit,'regjuleit]vt. 管理,调整,控制
rekindle[ri:'kindl]v. 重新点燃
regimentation[.redʒimen'teiʃən]n. 严格控制,纪律
rehabilitate[.ri:hə'biliteit]vt. 改造,使康复,使恢复(名誉等)
relentless[ri'lentlis]adj. 无情的,冷酷的,残酷的
addition[ə'diʃən]n. 增加,附加物,加法
register['redʒistə]v. 记录,登记,注册,挂号
n. 暂存器,记
adj. 严格的,精确的,完全的