朗文BACKPACK少儿英语LEVEL3 第六节 Our five senses
At the street fair I can see so many things to buy — Jewelry,clothes,toys, and pets, and stacks of books piled high.在街上,我看到好多东西可以买--珠宝,衣服,玩具和宠物,还有垒得高高的书。
At the street fair I can smell delicious food to eat — Saltypopcorn,sandwiches,and ice cream cones so sweet.在街上,我闻到美味的食物 --咸爆米花,三明治,还有香甜的冰淇淋。
At the street fair I can hear laughter from the crowd — A little monkey with a drum and sticks is playing loud.在街上,我听到了人群里的欢笑 -- 一只小猴子拿着棍子正大声地敲着鼓。
At the street fair I can look at things both old and new — I love to look and touchthem all,then buy just one or two.在街上,我看着各种新旧的东西 -- 我喜欢看看摸摸它们,但只买一两样。