【少儿英语歌曲】去外面玩 Rain or shine
Hey, where's my sweater?嘿,我的毛衣在哪?
It's a cool and windy day.今天秋高气爽。
I need a cap and sweater我要戴上帽子,穿上毛衣
to go outside and play.去外面玩。
Hey where's my winter coat?嘿,我的冬大衣在哪?
It's a cold and snowy day.今天冰天雪地。
I need a coat, hat, and gloves我要穿上大衣,戴上帽子和手套
to go outside and play.去外面玩。
Hey, where's my raincoat?嘿,我的雨衣在哪?
It's a wet and rainy day.今天阴雨绵绵。
I need a raincoat and some boots我要穿上雨衣,穿上雨鞋
to go outside and play.去外面玩。
Hey, where's my swimsuit?嘿,我的泳衣在哪?
It's a hot and sunny day.今天酷暑炎炎。
I need my suit and some sandals我要穿上泳装,穿上拖鞋
to go outside and play.去外面玩。
When the seasons change,随着季节的变化,
the clothes I wear change,too.我的穿着也跟着改变。
No matter what the weather is,不管天气如何,
I play outside. Don't you?我都要去外面玩。你呢?