A, show B the brochures you got from travel agencies and ask him/ her what his/ her holiday
I’ve picked up quite a few brochures from travel agencies. Where do you want to go for the
summer vacation?
B, give your opinion of the places in the brochures.
Well, these are all for luxury hotels in tourist areas. I was hoping to do something more
A, show your preference.
Come on. What’s more interesting than staying in a luxurious seaside hotel and having fun in
the sun?
B, say you prefer to stay visit Tibet.
Well, I was thinking about history and culture. I had Tibet in mind.
A, give your opinion of B’s plan.
Tibet? I really don’t know much about it. Do they have luxury hotels?
B, try to justify your choice.
I think you’re missing the point. We go to Tibet not to stay in luxurious hotels, but to learn