A: What’s the matter with you? You look terrible.
B: Too bad. I fell off my bike.
A: How come you fell off?
B: 1 was riding along the road,thinking about the exam,when the driver behind me suddenlyhonked his horn.1 was SO startled that I crashed into another bike
A: Then what happened? Were you hurt?
B: Let me finish…I’11 give you all the details.1 went off the front of my bike and landed on the road. I hurt my,arms and elbows when I landed
A: That’s terrible.The driver was to blame.
B: He had the right to blow the horn in that section of the road.1 was daydreaming.
A: You’d better be more careful from now on.
B:1 will.1 won’t be daydreaming while riding a bike any more.