While not completely nonplussed by the unusually caustic responses from members of the audience, the speaker was nonetheless visibly ---------- by their lively criticism.
(A) humiliated
(B) discomfited
(C) deluded
(D) disgraced
(E) tantalized
nonplus: 使狼狈为难,使不知所措
caustic: 刻薄的,讥讽的
humiliate: 使蒙耻,羞辱
discomfit: 使困惑,使窘迫
delude: 欺骗,哄骗
tantalize: 惹弄,逗引
Though dealers insist that professional art dealers can make money in the art market, even an ---------- knowledge in not enough: the art world is so fickle that stock-market prices are ---------- by comparison.
(A) amateur's ... sensible
(B) expert's ... sensible
(C) investor’s ... booming
(D) insider's ... predictable
(E) artist's ... irrational
先处理空格Ⅰ:以Though引导的从句本应和even引导的主句构成对立关系,但由于后者为否定句(...is not enough),按特殊解法的规则,所代入的词项应与中心线索构成同义,该中心线索无疑应定位在从句中同为形容词的professional一词,则求得(B) expert's和 (D)和insider's为俱佳,余皆排除。空格Ⅱ:在第三句中,将艺术品市场之价格与股票市场之价格作对比(by comparison)。既然前者为 so fickle,则后者的情形应是绝然相反,故正确答案为(D) predictable, 而非(B) erratic(因为它与fickle为同义)。
erratic: 不规则的,古怪的
booming: 激增的,兴旺发达的