/m/ is a voiced nasal consonant sound and that means the sound comes out the nose.
You make the /m/ sound by bringing your lips together and sending vibration and voice out your nose like this /m/.
A common mistake with the /m/ sound is adding what's called an off-glide or an /ə/ sound at the end of a word.
So that "team" becomes "team-uh".
Occasionally, some speakers will shorten the /m/ and release the sound too quickly so it comes out sounding a bit like a /b/ sound.
That would mean a word like "me" sounds like "be" or a word like "hum" sounds like "hub".
Let's try a few sentences keeping these challenges in mind.
Mom likes the rhythm of the anthem.
Adam filmed the game in the storm.
Moody phantoms came out of the tombs.
Have fun with the /m/ sound as you practice on EnglishCentral and good luck.