In the mid-1300s, no disease or war was known to have killed as many people as the Black Death did in Europe. That's why you studied the plague in world history.
What's surprising to a lot of people was that the plague is still around and can still be deadly. Twelve cases in seven states have been reported so far this year in the U.S. Out of those 12, four people have died, including an elderly man in Utah. Officials are trying to figure out how he got it.
U.S. health officials say other cases in California and Georgia were linked to people who traveled in or near Yosemite National Park. The plague usually turns up between late spring and early fall and usually in rural parts of western states like New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado.
ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: The plague is caused by a bacteria called Yersinia pestis, and most of the time, humans get it from a flea bite.
伊莉萨白,CNN 资深医学记者:这种瘟疫是由一种叫做鼠疫耶尔森菌的细菌引起的。并且通常人类得这种病是因为被跳蚤咬而引起的。
Back when plague was rampant and there was no treatment for it, plague could get into people's blood and it could turn their limps black and that's where we get the term "Black Death".
When the plague struck the Roman Empire in the 6th century, it went on to kill 25 million people. Eventually, the plague wiped out 60 percent of Europe.
Now, before there were antibiotics,Please visit www.chinavoa.com to get more information. the plague would kill 66 percent to 93 percent of people who got it. Now, with antibiotics, that mortality rate goes to about 16 percent.
So, typically every year in the United States, one person dies of the plague and seven people get sick.
Fever, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. If you get these systems and you're living in an area where it's known that the plague has been before, then you should go seek help from your doctor, and you should definitely go to your doctor if you develop huge lymph nodes. Sometime people with the plague, they get lymph nodes the size of a chicken egg.
Also, the Centers for Disease Control says you should never feed rodents like squirrels and rats and you certainly shouldn't touch them after they died.
We've done a great job of getting rid of the plague almost entirely in this country, that our hygiene goes a long way. But you can't entirely get rid of the bacteria. It's not just the Dark Ages' bacteria, it's still with us.
In the mid-1300s, no disease or war was known to have killed as many people as the Black Death did in Europe. That's why you studied the plague in world history.
What's surprising to a lot of people was that the plague is still around and can still be deadly. Twelve cases in seven states have been reported so far this year in the U.S. Out of those 12, four people have died, including an elderly man in Utah. Officials are trying to figure out how he got it.
U.S. health officials say other cases in California and Georgia were linked to people who traveled in or near Yosemite National Park. The plague usually turns up between late spring and early fall and usually in rural parts of western states like New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado.
ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: The plague is caused by a bacteria called Yersinia pestis, and most of the time, humans get it from a flea bite.
Back when plague was rampant and there was no treatment for it, plague could get into people's blood and it could turn their limps black and that's where we get the term "Black Death".
When the plague struck the Roman Empire in the 6th century, it went on to kill 25 million people. Eventually, the plague wiped out 60 percent of Europe.
Now, before there were antibiotics, the plague would kill 66 percent to 93 percent of people who got it. Now, with antibiotics, that mortality rate goes to about 16 percent.
So, typically every year in the United States, one person dies of the plague and seven people get sick.
Fever, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. If you get these systems and you're living in an area where it's known that the plague has been before, then you should go seek help from your doctor, and you should definitely go to your doctor if you develop huge lymph nodes. Sometime people with the plague, they get lymph nodes the size of a chicken egg.
Also, the Centers for Disease Control says you should never feed rodents like squirrels and rats and you certainly shouldn't touch them after they died.
We've done a great job of getting rid of the plague almost entirely in this country, that our hygiene goes a long way. But you can't entirely get rid of the bacteria. It's not just the Dark Ages' bacteria, it's still with us.