From Japan, we're moving over to South Africa where a professor claims to have discovered a new species of human relative.
In 2013, an amateur caver found a fossilized jawbone deep in an underground chamber. It led to the largest discovery of its kind in the continent of Africa. And the director of the recovery expedition says the find turns science on its head.
PROF. LEE BERGER, UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND: This is like opening up Tutankhamen's tomb.
LEE BERGER,教授,金山大学:这就像打开了图坦卡蒙(埃及法老的名字)的坟墓。
DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN CORRESPONDENT : Berger and his team of scientists say they've uncovered a new species of the human family tree.
大卫·麦肯齐,CNN 记者:Berger和他的科学团队称他们已经发现了一种新的人类家谱。
They call it Homo naledi.
他们将它称为 Homo naledi。
What they found was extraordinary -- a chamber of more than 1,500 fossilized bones, coming up with the controversial conclusion that this is a burial ground, and that Home naledi could have used fire to light the way.
他们的发现非常让人吃惊——地下室里有1500多个化石骨头,这样有争议的结论就产生了这是一个坟地? Home naledi 曾经使用火把来照路?
(on camera): That's extraordinarily human-like.
BERGER: It is in part superficially, short fingers, long thumb.
MCKENZIE : Homo naledi is not human, but at times comes close.
MCKENZIE: Homo naledi不属于人类,但是,有些方面已经和人类很接近。
The original fossils are a strange mosaic of ancient and surprisingly modern, a brain no bigger than an orange, but feet almost identical to ours.
(on camera): And every one of these tells a story.
BERGER: Every one of them is a mystery to science.
MCKENZIE : And leaves many unanswered questions. They haven't been able to date the fossils yet, so Homo naledi may have lived tens of thousands of years ago or even millions.
MCKENZIE:并留下了许多未解之谜。目前研究人员尚不能追溯这些化石的年代,所以,Homo naledi可能生活在数万年以前,也有可能生活在数百万年以前。
AZUZ: Or maybe not. As you heard, still a lot of questions about this and some anthropologists are skeptical about whether it's a newly discovered species at all. They say it looks like one that was first identified in the 1800s.
There's also doubt about whether the location is really an ancient burial ground. Either way, it has scientists talking and theorizing worldwide.
From Japan, we're moving over to South Africa where a professor claims to have discovered a new species of human relative.
In 2013, an amateur caver found a fossilized jawbone deep in an underground chamber. It led to the largest discovery of its kind in the continent of Africa. And the director of the recovery expedition says the find turns science on its head.
PROF. LEE BERGER, UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND: This is like opening up Tutankhamen's tomb.
DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Berger and his team of scientists say they've uncovered a new species of the human family tree.
They call it Homo naledi.
What they found was extraordinary -- a chamber of more than 1,500 fossilized bones, coming up with the controversial conclusion that this is a burial ground, and that Home naledi could have used fire to light the way.
(on camera): That's extraordinarily human-like.
BERGER: It is in part superficially, short fingers, long thumb.
MCKENZIE : Homo naledi is not human, but at times comes close.
The original fossils are a strange mosaic of ancient and surprisingly modern, a brain no bigger than an orange, but feet almost identical to ours.
(on camera): And every one of these tells a story.
BERGER: Every one of them is a mystery to science.
MCKENZIE : And leaves many unanswered questions. They haven't been able to date the fossils yet, so Homo naledi may have lived tens of thousands of years ago or even millions.
AZUZ: Or maybe not. As you heard, still a lot of questions about this and some anthropologists are skeptical about whether it's a newly discovered species at all. They say it looks like one that was first identified in the 1800s.
There's also doubt about whether the location is really an ancient burial ground. Either way, it has scientists talking and theorizing worldwide.