AZUZ: Before we go, well, it starts with the kangaroo boxing a hippo. In this case, a toy hippo, getting the stuffing kick out of it by a kangaroo.
The dog in the left doesn't seem to mind.
But look up, there's a lemur, a ruffed lemur just trying to hold on to the rope and that's not getting easier. Then a ring-tailed lemur sidles into the scene, just kind of checking things out.
Suffice to say, there's a lot going on here. What makes sense is that it's all happening at the Exotic Animal Experience in Orlando, Florida.
The lemurs were like, hey, Roo, lemur alone. What are you doing is kanga- rude. You're leaving that toy in hippo-critical condition. The dog seemed a little hounded by all the activity, showing some signs of ani-malaise.
But I guess when you live in a zoo, it's anything but a dog's life.
I'm Carl Azuz. We hope your weekend is filled with fun and maybe some random entertainment.
AZUZ: Before we go, well, it starts with the kangaroo boxing a hippo. In this case, a toy hippo, getting the stuffing kick out of it by a kangaroo.
The dog in the left doesn't seem to mind.
But look up, there's a lemur, a ruffed lemur just trying to hold on to the rope and that's not getting easier. Then a ring-tailed lemur sidles into the scene, just kind of checking things out.
Suffice to say, there's a lot going on here. What makes sense is that it's all happening at the Exotic Animal Experience in Orlando, Florida.
The lemurs were like, hey, Roo, lemur alone. What are you doing is kanga- rude. You're leaving that toy in hippo-critical condition. The dog seemed a little hounded by all the activity, showing some signs of ani-malaise.
But I guess when you live in a zoo, it's anything but a dog's life.
I'm Carl Azuz. We hope your weekend is filled with fun and maybe some random entertainment.