Looking for the Right Size 寻找适合的尺寸
Looking for the Right Size 寻找适合的尺寸
M = Mary B = Brad
M: This section of the store is called "Junior." Why is that?
玛 丽:这家店这区称为"Junior"为什么呢?
B: It means young girls. That's where you'll find clothes for young girls.
M: But I can't find anything in my size here.
玛 丽:可是我在这里找不到有我尺寸的任何东西啊。
B: Your small, but your not a child.
M: Well, there's nothing I can do about my height!
玛 丽:嘿,对于我的身高我可无能为力!
B: There's a petite section that you an check out.
M: What's in the petite section?
玛 丽:娇小区有什么东西?
B: It has clothes in small sizes for small women.