So the here because this is the holy spot on the Nile. This is a site that is sacred to both Muslins and Christians who believe this is the source of not just the Nile, but one of the rivers of Garden of Eden. Most of the 93 million Ethiopians are christian, and pilgrims here have traveled from across the country. This is the source just over here, I think. Look at the structure around it, not for house expecting. Why are you here, why is the souce so holy, why is it considered a such sacred site. In the beginning, God created a river as a heavenly river, not an earthly one. It is a gift from God. Since its creation, it has been a source of holy water and served the first people in the Heaven. It turns out, this is other source, the proper source is a building just over there. Only priests are allowed to go in there. It's a little bit and wellcoming in some ways because of course this isn't the mighty river we imagine it to be. This is how it starts. Every river starts with the trickle.