I have a dancing horse. It dances, a horse, tell him. Would you buy it? -No, I do not want to buy a dancing horse. Producing the cotton for a single T-shirt can require more than 2,500 liters of water. So huge amounts of water are pumped out of the Nile here and flooded over tens of thousands of fields. It's a hugely inefficient and untargetted way of irrigating crops, but many farmers believe they have a historic, god-given right of limited resource. -What would you say to an Ethiopian farmer, who says the water is the Nile of mine.
-This is unfair and injustice. I would say this is an injustice. What can one do about his food? He blocks my food, and the food of my young children and the people. God won't let them, because Egypt glory be to god is the Mother of the Nile. Egypt is the Mother of the Nile, glory to be god. It's hard to talk to a farmer here, who says poor and this water is god-given right. And I've also spoken to the people in the south, south of Egypt, who say we're even poorer. We need this water as well. Somehow, these countries are going to have to sit down and talk and discuss and agree how they use this incredibly vital precious...