For a quarter of an hour, I trod this blazing sand, which was strewn with tiny crumbs of seashell. Looming like a long reef, the Nautilus's hull disappeared little by little, but when night fell in the midst of the waters, the ship's beacon would surely facilitate our return on board, since its rays carried with perfect distinctness. This effect is difficult to understand for anyone who has never seen light beams so sharply defined on shore. There the dust that saturates the air gives such rays the appearance of a luminous fog; but above water as well as underwater, shafts of electric light are transmitted with incomparable clarity.
我们踩着明亮的沙层走动,足足有一刻钟,它是贝壳变成的粉未构成的。像长长的暗礁一样出现的诺第留斯号船身,已经渐渐隐没不见了;但它的探照灯,射出十分清楚的亮光, 在水中黑暗的地方,可以指示我们回到船上去。人们1只在陆地上看见过这种一道道的十分辉煌的白光,对于电光在海底下的作用,实在不容易了解。在陆地上,空气中充满尘土,使一道道光线像明亮的云雾一样:但在海上, 跟在海底下一样,电光是十分透亮的,一点也不模糊。
Meanwhile we went ever onward, and these vast plains of sand seemed endless. My hands parted liquid curtains that closed again behind me, and my footprints faded swiftly under the water's pressure.