Meanwhile, continuously swept along by the Nautilus, where we lived in near isolation, we raised the Tuamotu Islands on December 11, that old "dangerous group" associated with the French global navigator Commander Bougainville; it stretches from Ducie Island to Lazareff Island over an area of 500 leagues from the east-southeast to the west-northwest, between latitude 13 degrees 30' and 23 degrees 50' south, and between longitude 125 degrees 30' and 151 degrees 30' west. This island group covers a surface area of 370 square leagues, and it's made up of some sixty subgroups, among which we noted the Gambier group, which is a French protectorate. These islands are coral formations. Thanks to the work of polyps, a slow but steady upheaval will someday connect these islands to each other. Later on, this new island will be fused to its neighboring island groups, and a fifth continent will stretch from New Zealand and New Caledonia as far as the Marquesas Islands.
不过,诺第留斯号总是带着我们前进。我们在船上很孤独地生活。12月11日,我们望见了帕摩图群岛, 这群岛位于南纬13度30分和23度50分之间,西经125度30分和151度30分之间, 从度西岛直至拉查列岛,由东南偏东至西北偏西,在长五百里的海面上罗列起来。群岛的面积共三百七十平方里,由约莫六十个小群岛组成,在这些小群岛中间,我看到了法国占领的作为它的保护地的甘比尔群岛。这些小群岛全是珊瑚岛。由于珊瑚这种腔肠动物所起的作用,造成地面缓慢地,但连续地上升,因此,将来一定有一天会把这些小岛连接起来。以后,连接起来的新岛又跟邻近的群岛衔接,久而久之,从新西兰和新喀里多尼亚岛起,至马贵斯群岛止,便要出现一个新大陆,那就是未来的第五大洲。