During this period the fish Conseil and I observed differed little from those we had already studied in other latitudes.
Chief among them were specimens of that dreadful cartilaginous genus that's pided into three subgenera numbering at least thirty-two species:
striped sharks five meters long, the head squat and wider than the body, the caudal fin curved, the back with seven big, black, parallel lines running lengthwise;
then perlon sharks, ash gray, pierced with seven gill openings, furnished with a single dorsal fin placed almost exactly in the middle of the body.
Some big dogfish also passed by, a voracious species of shark if there ever was one.
With some justice, fishermen's yarns aren't to be trusted, but here's what a few of them relate. Inside the corpse of one of these animals there were found a buffalo head and a whole calf;
in another, two tuna and a sailor in uniform; in yet another, a soldier with his saber; in another, finally, a horse with its rider.
In candor, none of these sounds like pinely inspired truth. But the fact remains that not a single dogfish let itself get caught in the Nautilus's nets, so I can't vouch for their voracity.