One thing I like about New Year’s Day are the TV programmes that look back at the previous year. They are like highlights shows of the news. These always remind me how lucky I am because a lot of the news is about wars, famines, natural disasters, plane crashes and other terrible things. The shows also look back at the lives of people who died that year. Hmmm… That all sounds a bit depressing really. But then there are happier things, like the top sports and music stories. Another thing that happens on New Year’s Day is lists. The top ten movies of the year, the ten best sporting achievements of the year, etc. There is even a list for the top ten new English words of the year. Previous winners of this are the words ‘blog’ and ‘podcast’.
我对新年的喜爱原因之一,就是这一天的电视节目会回顾上一年的事件。比如重点新闻集锦。这些时时提醒着我,我有多幸运,因为这些新闻都是关于战争、饥荒、自然灾害、飞机失事以及其他灾难性事件。节目还会回顾这一年所离世的人们的生活。恩……这些听起来确实令人感觉有些压抑。但是这一年也有好事发生,例如顶级体育赛事和音乐故事。上一年的一些清单也会在新年这天产生,像年度十佳电影、年度十佳体育成就等。甚至还会有“年度新词前十”。去年获此殊荣的单词是“博客”和“ 播客”。