National Hanging Out Day is a day to think about the environment and what you can do to help it. It is on April 19th each year. It’s very simple. On this day, you make sure you hang your clothes out to dry on a clothes line. We can save a lot of money and energy by using the humble clothes line. We waste money and energy by using electric dryers, which also add to global warming. Using a clothes line can actually save the average household several hundred dollars a year. In America, electric clothes dryers account for up to ten per cent of people's electricity bills. The day was created by the Project Laundry List, which joins together with other organizations to educate communities about energy consumption.
全国晾衣日是让人们关注环境,保护环境。每年的4月19日为全国晾衣日。活动非常简单。在这天,晾衣架上要晾满衣服。使用普通晒衣绳既可以省钱,又可见降低能耗。使用电动干衣机即费钱又耗能,还让全球变暖雪上加霜。通过使用晒衣绳,平均每年可以节省数百美金。在美国,电动干衣机的电费占有额达到了10%。该节日是由“Project Laundry List”组织创立,并与其它组织合作,在社区传播能耗知识。
Laundry has other reasons for you to hang your clothes out to dry. It’s good for you. Standing in the fresh air, feeling the wind on your face and hearing the birds sing is therapeutic. It also makes your clothes smell fresher and last longer. Unfortunately, it’s difficult for some people to do this because some communities ban people from hanging their clothes out. Some people believe it makes the area look bad. To overcome this, many U.S. states have passed legislation that protects your “right to dry”. So April 19 is a celebration of the clothes line. If everyone in the USA swapped their dryer for a clothes line, homes would reduce their CO2 output by 3.3%. A single dryer in a U.S. home uses more energy a year than the average African uses.
“Project Laundry List”网站还列举了许多晾衣的其它原因。对自身有益。呼吸新鲜空气,感受风吹过脸颊,聆听鸟儿唱歌,晾衣能够使人轻松愉快。衣服更加清爽,更耐穿。不幸的是,由于许多社区禁止这一做法,导致许多人无法在外晾衣。有些人认为这么做影响市容。为了解决这一问题,许多美国大州通过法律,保护“晾衣权力”。4月19日为晾衣庆祝日。如果美国民众都将干洗机换成了晾衣绳,那么二氧化碳排放量将减少3.3%。美国一户一年的干衣机消耗量超过了非洲平均水平。