A guy says he doesn't want to be with you.
Sometimes that guy realizes he's made the biggestmistake of his life.
And then sometimes he doesn't.
Either way, either way, your only job is to move on with your life, and fast.
He can always try to chase you down as you're running down the block.
If he does, just remember that it will sound like this: "Let's get back together." "Let's go intocounseling." "Let's try again." "I miss you. I made a mistake. I want to be with you."
Here's what it won't sound like: "Will you walk my dog?" "Just calling to check in." "Want to seethat movie?" "Will you go to Cousin George's wedding with me?"
Here's What's Hard About This One, by Liz
Oh, I don't know, how about loving someone and being with them and knowing their family andfriends and every inch of their body and seeing them naked every day and never having felt thisway before and feeling like your whole life has changed for the better and compiling hours anddays and weeks of happy memories and thinking you'll spend the rest of your life together andthen finding out that in fact he doesn't even want to see you...tomorrow.
And so is it so wrong to wait around looking for a glimmer, a ray, a sign of hope from him thatperhaps he has second thoughts about it?
That perhaps he has come to his senses and realized you were the best thing that everhappened to him, that no one will ever be as good to him as you were, that he won't findanyone who he can connect with on such a deep and profound level and who understands himas much as you do? Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong to continue to talk to him, see him, bake him cookies, buy him presents, burnhim CDs, feed his fish, talk to his parents, call up his friends, break into his voice mail...justkidding.
But seriously, is it so wrong to handle a breakup in a classy, mature, loving manner, whereyou keep in contact and talk and remain friendly and perhaps go to the movies on occasion?